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Quantum Computing – Workshop and Opening Event

Part 1 workshop

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing

Part 2

Part 2 Opening Event

Quantum Hub Opening Event

PART 1 Workshop:  09:00-12:00

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing


09:00 Welcome
by DIREC managing director Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

09:10 Topological Quantum Computing
by Professor and QM Centre Director Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

10:20 Coffee break

10:35 Gaussian Boson Sampling
by Assistant Professor Shan Shan

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Measurement-based Quantum Computing
PhD Student Santiago Quintero de los Rios

All are welcome

Sign up by e-mail to Thomas Riisgaard Hansen


PART 2: 13:00 – 17:00

SDU Quantum Hub Opening Event


13:00 Welcome by SDU Quantum Hub
by Director Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

13:05 Presentations of quantum research activities at:

  • NBI, Professor Klaus Mølmer

  • DTU, Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen

  • ITU, Associate Professor Michael Kastoryano
  • AU, Professor Birgit Schiøtt

  • AAU, Professor Torben Larsen

  • KU, Professor Matthias Christandl

15:25 Coffee break

15:40 Presentation of the SDU Quantum Hub
by Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

16:10 Addresses
by TEK Dean, Professor Henrik Bindslev, NAT Dean, Professor Marianne Holmer & Rector, Professor Jens Ringsmose

16:30 Reception

Registration is not needed

Afholdte arrangementer

ReWork Artistic Exploratory: Research and Art Exhibition

ReWork artistic exploratory:

Research and Art Exhibition

Come and join us when we are presenting art prototypes and research exploring the future of work.

ReWork is a multidisciplinary research project exploring the future of hybrid work technologies and experiences. ReWork collaborators include academic researchers at Danish universities in partnership with artists, cultural institutions, and companies in several industries.

Join artists Stine Deja, Jakob La Cour, Line Finderup Jensen, and Lea Porsager, along with researchers from the ReWork research project, for this multidisciplinary art event, research exhibit, and reception.

About the collaborators:

Stine Deja explores the uncanny and sometimes absurd futures of our landscapes, lives, bodies, and environments, with media including sculpture, 3D animation, sound, and immersive installations.

Jakob La Cour creates extended reality experiences and performance art that draws on ancient and traditional rituals and practices in combination and contrast with cutting edge modern technologies.

Line Finderup Jensen examines past and future human experiences and the nature of reality through videos, VR, interactive 3D animated games, and paintings.

Lea Porsager engages with physics, feminism, politics, and culture through a variety of artistic practices including tangible and intangible media such as land art and sculpture, film, text, and animation.