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How will AI Impact the future of work?

session at digital tech summit

How will AI Impact the Future of Work?

AI is being described as a revolutionary technology that will significantly change the way we work in both the private and public sectors. There are high expectations for the productivity gains that AI is expected to bring. But how will AI impact the way we work?

Will all our digital tools be transformed into personal assistants that we can skillfully direct? What unresolved research challenges still need to be addressed before we can truly become more productive with AI? This session will also present a range of use cases to illustrate how AI is already being implemented in various industries.

  • Thomas Hildebrandt, Professor, KU
  • Nicolai Bæk Thomsen, Senior Manager, Group AI Solutions & Services, Grundfos
  • Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Director, DIREC
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Can digitalization make ESG reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?

Panel debate at Digital Tech summit

Can digitalization make ESG Reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?

Many Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reports rely heavily on self-reporting mechanisms, raising concerns about transparency, trust, and accuracy. This session delves into how digitalization, with its potential to make ESG reporting faster, less bureaucratic, and more reliable, can support the green transition and direct investments to where it makes the most significant impact.

We will examine how advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can transform ESG reporting, ensuring the data is verifiable, immutable, and transparent. 

The session will also focus on how digitalization could enable more informed investment decisions, potentially directing capital toward genuinely sustainable companies and helping to build trust in ESG metrics. 

The panel for this session will feature insights from leading academics and industry practitioners who are at the forefront of integrating digital solutions into ESG frameworks. Join us as we explore the future of data-driven ESG reporting and its potential to accelerate sustainability efforts across industries.

  • Cancan Wang – Associate Professor – IT University of Copenhagen
  • Lise Pretorius – Chief Sustainability Analysis Officer – Matter
  • Bas Spitters, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
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DIGITAL TECH SUMMIT – Bridging Academia and Industry

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Digital tech summit

Bridging Academia and Industry

Digital Tech Summit 2024 er Nordens største deep tech konference og messe og det årlige mødested for forskere fra landets universiteter og deres partnere fra dansk erhvervsliv.

Digitale teknologier forandrer vores samfund og industrier med stor hast. Derfor er det Digital Tech Summits fornemste opgave at diskutere disse, give publikum indblik i de akademiske forksningsmiljøer og deres industrielle samarbejder.

Sammen med Ingeniørens redaktion og universiteterne har vi lagt et program, der forsøger at give både indsigt og udsyn.

Men Digital Tech Summit er så meget mere end et fyldigt talerprogram. Det er også mødestedet for industri og universiteter. Det er et tilbud til studerende og virksomheder om at finde hinanden i samtale om karrieremuligheder. Her møder de danske startupmiljøer politikere og repræsentanter fra industrien.

Vi er stolte af at være repræsenteret af forskere og fagfolk tilknyttet DIREC, som vil dele deres indsigter:

Wednesday October 30

Software’s energy-efficiency – End-user devices
Sal 1

Generative AI and software development
Sal 4

Panel debate: Can digitalization make ESG reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?
Sal 4

Drones swarms for a safe and secure society
Sal 3

Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Keynote scenen

PhD Power hour – 5 min. lightening talks
Sal 2

Machine-learning for cyber-physical systems
Sal 4

Thursday October 31

How will AI impact the future of work?
Sal 5

Data-driven robotics
Sal 4

Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Keynote scenen

Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: Are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
Keynote scenen

Secure democracy by securing digital voting booths
Sal 3

Afholdte arrangementer

PhD defence: Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

PhD Defence by Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

DAOs and Blockchain for Regulated Finance – Transformative decentralization


The financial services industry is experiencing a significant shift with the rise of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi), which challenges the industry’s high-cost centralized control approach. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), including permissionless blockchain and its novel organizational form, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), offer transformative potential through transparent, efficient, and decentralized financial transactions and governance structures. However, integrating these technologies into regulated financial services poses challenges due to the need to reconcile blockchain and DAOs’ decentralized nature with stringent regulatory requirements.

This dissertation, developed over a three-year PhD program, consolidates six publications into a comprehensive assessment framework for determining when DAOs and DeFi protocols are suitable for regulated financial services. It explores the effective implementation of DLT in regulated environments to reduce costs and enhance operational efficiencies. The research categorizes the publications by financial services domain, using prototyping and analysis to balance decentralization ideals with regulatory requirements. The dissertation identifies key properties of blockchain and DAOs, such as transparency, immutability, and decentralization, assessing their applicability within traditional financial systems. It offers practical tools for evaluating the suitability and compliance of DAOs in regulated financial services, mapping DAOs to organizational design theory, and highlighting their potential to reduce transaction costs and enhance trust.

Using Design Science Research (DSR) methodologies, the dissertation develops robust frameworks, applications, and taxonomies through qualitative data collection, thematic analysis, and formal methods. It provides empirical insights and tools for practitioners, including frameworks for assessing DAO governance structures and regulatory compliance. The dissertation concludes that while DAOs and DeFi protocols show promise, their application in regulated financial markets remains challenging due to regulatory complexities arising from centralized control preferences and norms.

The dissertation contributes to Information Systems (IS) research by presenting an evolution of DAOs over time and proposing an evaluation framework to assess and enhance the understanding of blockchain technology and DAOs in regulated financial services. Further, the individual publications contribute to their respective field by presenting applicable building blocks for financial services and domain-specific use cases for the DAO ecosystem.

The research provides insights and tools that deepen the understanding of DAOs’ potential and limitations in digital finance, offering a foundation for future research and practical applications. By incorporating law, economics, organizational theory, and IS perspectives, the dissertation highlights the need for new regulatory frameworks to accommodate DAOs and DLT. It suggests that while DAOs and DeFi protocols can reduce transaction costs and enhance transparency, their application in regulated finance is limited by compliance challenges and the need for complete decentralization.

The analysis suggests that ‘sufficient decentralization’ is a mirage and that complete decentralization on all three dimensions – technically, organizationally, and in service availability to the public – is the only viable option for DeFi in regulated financial markets, using the EU’s recent regulation for digital finance. While we have yet to see whether the new EU regulation and this high bar for decentralization will mean the end for DeFi and financial services DAOs in the EU, blockchain technology appears generally beneficial for finance involving untrusted parties, where intermediaries usually fulfill this role at a very high socioeconomic cost.


Principal Supervisor Omry Ross
Co-Supervisor Friedrich Henglein

Assessment Committee

Associate Professor Tijs Slaats, Computer Science
Professor Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg
Assistant Professor Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, VU Amsterdam

See event here

Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

Afholdte arrangementer

PhD defence: Avgi Kollakidou

PhD Defence by Avgi Kollakidou

Situational Awareness and Acceptability of Robots in Shared Spaces


In recent years, robots have evolved from facilitating rigid automation in facto-ries to being present in our daily lives, appearing in places like hospitals, homes, and shops. As we move closer to a future where robots could be as common as smartphones, questions about how they will fit in our world arise. How do we enable their navigating in shared spaces without causing discom-fort or danger, and how do we ensure their acceptance?

This thesis explores these questions by focusing on two key aspects: Situational Awareness and Acceptability. For robots to function safely and be accepted in environments where they interact closely with people, they must not only avoid obstacles but also recignise social cues, respect personal space, and be-have in ways that humans find predictable and comfortable.

It includes new methods that allow robots to model context in social environ-ments: recognising people’s actions or gestures, detecting groups, and navi-gating without interrupting interactions. These methods enhance the robot’s situational awareness and socially acceptable navigation.

This work considers the ethical aspects of using robots in sensitive environ-mnents like care homes. As robots enter the lives of vulnerable populations, it is important to consider the emotional and ethical effects of their presence.

Moreover, it delves into the challenges encountered as the density of robots in-creases. Planning methods and adaptations, which take into consideration the uncertainties of the real world, are suggested, which, when adapted, will ena-ble robust and dependable navigation in real applications.

Ultimately, this thesis brings us closer to a future where robots move beyond structured and confined spaces to become a part of our everyday lives, as commonplace as any other modern technology.


Associate Professor Aljaz Kramberger, SDU Robotics,
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark


Associate Professor Leon Bodenhagen, SDU Robotics,
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark

Evaluation Committee
  • Associate Professor Simon Faarvang Mathiesen (chair) SDU Robotics, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
  • Professor Ole Madsen The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University
  • Professor Elizabeth Broadbent The University of Auckland



LearnT-konference udforskede de mange nye muligheder i digital læringsteknologi

23. oktober 2023

LearnT-konference udforskede de mange nye muligheder i digital læringsteknologi

DTU’s LearnT Konference 2023 var arrangeret af Center for Digital Læringsteknologi ved DTU Compute med støtte fra DIREC. Konferencen kastede lys over det hastigt udviklende felt af digitale læringsteknologier og samlede et imponerende panel af eksperter og deltagere fra universitetsverdenen og erhvervslivet.

Foto: DTU

Førstedagen af DTU’s LearnT-konference tiltrak et halvt hundrede deltagere og var dedikeret til digital læringsteknologi i uddannelsessystemet, mens konferencens anden dag blev et endnu større tilløbsstykke og fokuserede på digital læringsteknologi på arbejdspladsen.

Konferencen gav deltagerne en værdifuld viden og indsigter i fremtidens læringsteknologier og udforskede i praksis, hvordan teknologi kan forvandle uddannelsessektoren og arbejdsmiljøet.

Digital læringsteknologi i uddannelse

Den første dag bød på 11 indbudte talere og havde fokus på forskning, casestudier og teknologiske løsninger inden for digital læringsteknologi i uddannelsessektoren.

Højdepunkterne inkluderede præsentationer som “Learning Design and Chemical Engineering Education” og “Change to Old School EdTech Practices in Education vs. Modern Digital Services in Our Private Lives.” Også højaktuelle emner som kompetenceafbildning og tilpasning i sygeplejeuddannelser og strategisk forskning inden for uddannelse var vigtige temaer på dagen.

Konferencens vært, Associate Professor Md. Saifuddin Khalid, faciliterede små workshops mellem præsentationerne, og der blev introduceret forskellige finansieringsmuligheder, som skal støtte projektudviklingen inden for digital læringsteknologi.

Digital læringsteknologi på arbejdspladsen

Andendagen var helliget digital læringsteknologi på arbejdspladsen og inkluderede en stribe spændende præsentationer om forskning, samarbejde mellem EdTech-virksomheder og DTU samt teknologiske løsninger og tjenester.

Dagens øvrige temaer omfattede blandt andet brugen af XR-teknologier i træning, gamificeret oplæring og anvendelsen af AI til vækst og udvikling.

VR giver helt nye muligheder i praksis

Blandt deltagerne var Jesper Pedersen, Head of Department for Digital & Education hos Rambøll, som tog flere spændende pointer med sig hjem – især var han overrasket over, hvordan digital læringsteknologi udvider mulighederne i det fysiske univers. Opdagelsen understreger det store potentiale, som ligger i digital læringsteknologi og dens muligheder for at forbedre uddannelse og træning i både uddannelsessektoren og erhvervslivet, mener Jesper Pedersen.

“Med digitale løsninger får vi endnu flere muligheder for at demonstrere ting i praksis – med VR kan du fx repræsentere ting som støv, som du ikke kan se i virkeligheden.”

Jakob Frølund, HR-Director og ansvarlig for Training Academy hos Copenhagen Airports var især inspireret af DTU’s progressive tilgang til at omfavne AI og aktivt opstille forventninger til integrationen af AI i både undervisningen og de studerendes læringsprodukter.

”DTU’s tilgang til AI er inspirerende, dristig og ambitiøs, fordi den stiller fornyede krav til undervisning og læring – med mange ukendte faktorer. Det har inspireret mig til at tænke, at læring netop handler om at finde nye tilgange og fremme innovation som svar på udfordringer, som aldrig er set før.”

LearnT 2023 Program

Day 1

Welcome by Professor Jan Madsen, Director, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

  1. Learning Design and Chemical Engineering Education: Teasers from PhD Projects Ulrich Krühne, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, DTU
  2. Competency Space: Mapping Competency in Digital Training Mathias Lund Schjøtz, Director, CompetencySpace
  3. NurseEd – Adaptivity in a Danish Nursing Education Program Tobias Tretow-Fish, PhD-student, LearnT Centre, Technical University of Denmark
  4. Shape Robotics: Modular Robot and Lab Designs for Schools Christian Wraa-Puls, Sales Director, Shape Robotics
  5. VIA’s Strategic Focus for Educational Research Lillian Buus, PhD, Research Leader for Learning and IT, VIA University College
  6. Praxis/Boost: The Three Legs of Active Learning in Class or Adaptive Learning Preperation Rasmus Petersen, Udviklingschef, Praxis
  7. Absalon’s FOU3 Strategic Focus for Educational Research Marianne Riis, Docent, University College Absalon.
  8. Change to Old School EdTech Practices in Education vs. Modern Digital Services in Our Private Lives Jesper Rømer, Founder of Meebook LMS
  9. Collaboration between FrontRead EdTech and DTU Kim Høgskilde, CEO, FronRead
  10. Digitale læremidler fra Gyldendal Grundskolen Mikael Pedersen, Forlagschef – Gyldendal Education

To facilitate collaboration, the host of the event, Associate Professor Md. Saifuddin Khalid, Leader of LearnT Centre, organized small workshops between the presentations and to introduce funding sources, Thomas Gredsted, Funding Support & Project Coordinator, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, DTU introduced some platforms and funding venues during a talk on “EdTech Annual Funding Wheel”.

Day 2

Welcome and talk on Digitalization in Engineering Education at DTU and Continuing Education by Professor Philip John Binning, Senior Vice President, Dean of Graduate Studies and International Affairs, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

  1. XR Technologies in Regulated Training & Performance Support Jakob Foss, Sr. Manager, Training Technology & Standards, Novo Nordisk
  2. Digital Training and Development at Copenhagen Airport Jakob Frølund, Head of Training & Development, Copenhagen Airport
  3. Creating Impact at Scale with Adaptive Learning: Corporate Learning Experience Jan Krogh Larsen, Chief Product Officer, Area9
  4. Gamified onboarding & compliance training – Cases and perspectives Henning Grubb Basballe, CEO, Copenhagen Game Lab
  5. KPMG Digital Now – Enabling a digital mindset Martin Frimodt, CTO Head of Tech Powerhouse, KPMG Acor Tax
  6. Accelerating career through continuous learning at EY Director, Tobias Lindberg & Senior Manager, Magnus M Skriver.
  7. Virtual Safety Training using SafetyEngine Alex Solberg Mathiasen, Product Owner, SafetyEngine, Digital & Education, Ramboll
  8. Three reasons why digital learning on the job fails Frederik Lindhardt, Co-founder and Partner, Director of Learning, Virtio
  9. Microsoft Culture of Learning & Viva Learn Emil Porsmose, Employee Experience Specialist (Viva lead), Microsoft Denmark
  10. Collaboration Between DTU and Industry: Implications for Competence Development Mark Bernhard Riis, Head of Innovation and Project Manager of High Tech Summit, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, DTU
  11. Reinventing Growth and Development with AI-powered Learning Anja Julia Hartzell, Senior Product Marketing Manager, & Pavel Budnik, Product Manager, LMS365
Afholdte arrangementer

Danish Digitalization, Data Science and AI – D3A 2.0


Danish Digitalization, Data Science and AI – D3A 2.0

We are bringing together researchers, students, and professionals from a wide range of fields to share the latest research and insights, gain new knowledge, exchange ideas, and make valuable connections across geography, scientific domains, and sub-fields. 

D3A – Danish Digitalization, Data Science and AI 2.0 will bring together researchers, students, and professionals from a wide range of fields to share the latest research and insights, gain new knowledge, exchange ideas, and make valuable connections across geography, scientific domains, and sub-fields. 

D3A is a national conference hosted by Pioneer Centre for AI (P1), Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA) and DIREC. 

It is a scientific conference where the newest research and insights will be discussed. The aim is to grow the Danish digitalization, data science, and AI communities and strengthen the network for PhD students, postdocs, senior researchers, and professionals. We want to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment across Denmark. 

Afholdte arrangementer

PhD Event: Improve your pitching and networking skills


Improve your pitching and networking skills

Join this one-day event for PhD students in Computer Science, Digitalization, Information Technology, Software Engineering, and related fields across the eight Danish universities to share knowledge, ideas, and challenges and form new relationships and collaborations across different digital research areas.

The event will also serve as a preparatory session for D3A 2.0 on October 22-23, 2024, equipping participants with valuable tools to maximize their experience at the conference.


09.30-10.00: Registration – outside Sal D+E

10.00-10.15: Welcome by Professor Thomas Hildebrandt

10.15-12.15: Workshop on Mastering the Art of Relationships, part I

The purpose of the workshop is to equip you with an understanding of strategic networking and its significance in your professional development. We will delve into theories and practical exercises, enhancing your ability to network effectively at conferences and beyond.

You will gain insights into your networking style, strengths, and areas for improvement, while learning concrete strategies for building and maintaining strong, trust-based relationships. Each participant will leave with a personalized workbook, including models, action plans, and a networking strategy tailored to their individual goals.

About the facilitator
Signe Holste runs the company Value People, where she has spent the last 7 years teaching and training employees, leaders, and organizations on how to achieve their goals and dreams through networking and knowledge sharing.

12.15-13.15: Lunch 

13.15-14.15: Workshop on Mastering the Art of Relationships, part II

14.15-14.30: Small break

14.30-15.30: Pitching session: Refining Your Research Presentation, part I

The purpose of the pitching session is to allow you to share your research and refine your presentation skills through constructive feedback.

A well-crafted pitch is crucial for any researcher. It helps you distill complex ideas into a concise and compelling narrative, making your work accessible to a broader audience. Effective communication of your research can open doors to new collaborations, funding opportunities, and career advancements. By practicing and perfecting your pitch, you enhance your ability to engage and inspire others within and beyond your field.

Each participant will have 7 minutes to present their research to a select group of fellow PhD students and a panel of senior researchers. After each pitch, there will be 5 minutes allocated for questions and feedback from the audience and the panel, focusing on the delivery of your presentation.


For the pitching session, please prepare a pitch of no more than 7 minutes about your research that leaves a memorable and positive impression.

Your pitch should be a clear and concise statement of your research interests and experience, tailored to be shared in various professional contexts. You will present to a broad group of researchers, and they may not be familiar with your specific topic. Aim to make your content more accessible by simplifying complex concepts or ideas.  

15.30-16.00: Coffee break

16.00-17.00: Pitching session, part II

17.00-19.00: Break // board games and ‘hygge’ in Sal D+E

19.00-21.00: Dinner


Registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. 

We will charge a fee for cancellations later than 15 August and no-shows to cover hotel expenses.

For participants NOT affliliated with DIREC, P1 or DDSA, a participation fee of DKK 800 incl. VAT will be charged by invoice.

Afholdte arrangementer

PhD defence: Lenka Tetková

PhD Defence by Lenka Tetková

From grain to insights: Explainability in AI for Biological Data Analysis


In machine learning, researchers often rely on standard datasets to test and compare different methods. These datasets are like controlled experiments where conditions are kept consistent. However, my thesis takes a different approach by focusing on real-world applications, specifically detecting diseases and damages in grain kernels using images. This task is particularly challenging due to the natural variations in biological data, which are quite different from the controlled conditions of standard datasets. 

The main goal of my research is to improve how we detect diseases in grain kernels and make the process more transparent and understandable. To do this, I explore the use of knowledge graphs. Think of a knowledge graph as a network of information where different pieces of data are connected, much like a mind map. This can help enhance image classification (identifying what an image represents) and create specific data collections tailored to our needs. 

One of the significant challenges I tackle is applying explainability methods to data with biological variations. Explainability methods are techniques used to make AI models’ decisions more understandable to humans. I propose a workflow, which is a step-by-step guide, to help choose the best method for any given situation and test how well these methods handle minor, natural changes in the images. 

Finally, I delve into making machine learning models more understandable by linking their operations to high-level concepts. High-level concepts are broad ideas that humans can easily grasp, like “color” or “shape.” I also work on aligning the model’s information processing with human thinking, meaning I try to make the AI think in ways that are similar to how humans think. This could provide valuable insights into making AI models more aligned with how humans understand and interpret information.


Professor Lars Kai Hansen, DTU Compute
Professor Kim Steenstrup Pederesn, University of Copenhagen


Associate Professor Michael Riis Andersen, DTU Computer
Professor Stefan Haufe, TU Berlin
Professor Michael Kampffmeyer, UiT The Artic University of Norway

Chair of defence

Associate Professor Tobias Søren Andersen

Everyone is welcome. 

Reception will be held in building 322, room 232 after the defence

A digital version of the PhD thesis can be obtained from the PhD School at phdschool@compute.dtu.dk up until the time of the defence.

Future of work Nyheder Researcher spotlight

I fire årtier har Susanne designet danskernes digitale hverdag

4. oktober 2023

I fire årtier har Susanne designet danskernes digitale hverdag

Susanne Bødkers forskning inden for menneske-maskine-interaktion (HCI) har i årtier haft dyb indflydelse på, hvordan vi interagerer med teknologi i vores hverdag og arbejdsliv. 
I september kunne hun fejre 40-års jubilæum på Aarhus Universitet.

Foto: Morten Koldby

It-løsninger skal designes af mennesker for mennesker, digitale redskaber skal være intuitive at bruge og gøre en forskel i hverdagen og fungere som en forlænget arm, uden vi tænker over det.

Forskningsområdet Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) spiller en central rolle for den teknologi, vi dagligt omgiver os med – og for måden, arbejdsmarkedet udvikler sig, så nye it-løsninger bedst muligt understøtter menneskelig brug.

En af Danmarks førende forskere på HCI-området er Susanne Bødker, datalogiprofessor ved Aarhus Universitet og flere gange hædret for sine forskningsresultater inden for menneske-maskine-interaktion.

Siden 1980’erne har den aarhusianske forsker været med til at designe danskernes digitale hverdag og arbejdsliv, så teknologien udvikler sig på en konstruktiv måde og forholder sig kritisk til udfordringer og muligheder.

Aktuelt er hun især optaget af, hvordan hybridarbejde udfordrer virksomheder og medarbejdere og på godt og ondt forandrer samspillet og relationen mellem mennesker på en arbejdsplads.

– Hybridarbejde bliver kun mere udbredt, så vi er nødt til at forholde os kritisk til teknologiens muligheder og begrænsninger, og til måden vi organiserer os på og leder på. 
Når en arbejdsplads med flere hundrede medarbejdere for eksempel beslutter, at alle aktiviteter fremover skal kunne foregå hybridt, stiller det nye krav til personaleledelse. Det forandrer selve arbejdets og mødernes natur, når medarbejderne altid skal kunne deltage på distancen. Det får betydning for, hvad man kan dele med hinanden, hvornår og hvordan – i virkeligheden forandrer det alt, hvad deltagerne ser, hører og oplever, for på skærmen er vi stadig kun ’flade mennesker’, siger Susanne Bødker.

Se kritisk og undersøgende på din organisation

Når hun rådgiver organisationer i, hvordan man bedst indretter sig som en moderne hybrid arbejdsplads, involverer det derfor både teknologien, de fysiske omgivelser og de ledelsesmæssige aspekter af hybridarbejde.

– Virksomheder har vidt forskellige udfordringer, og teknologien skal tænkes ind i den konkrete kontekst. Er man en softwarevirksomhed med ansatte over hele verden og slås med, at folk ikke gider flytte til Aarhus? Er man en bank og vil erstatte fysiske kundemøder med online møder? Vil man bare gerne have, at folk frit skal kunne vælge at arbejde hjemmefra og nøjes med at møde fysisk på kontoret et par dage om ugen, så er det nødvendigt at organisere sig anderledes, så man møder på kontoret de samme dage. Enhver virksomhed er nødt til at forholde sig til sin egen virkelighed og aktuelle udfordringer.

Hendes mangeårige forskning i brugergrænseflader og brugeroplevelser har ført til nye metoder og teorier, som har vakt opsigt internationalt. I 2017 modtog hun et ERC Advanced Grant på mere end 2 mio. euro af det Europæiske Forskningsråd til forskning i brugergrænseflader for kompleks menneskelig brug af computere og forskningsprojektet ”Common Interactive Objects”. Målet var at undersøge muligheden for at opbygge åbne og delbare platforme og fællesskaber på brugerens – og ikke computersystemernes – præmisser.

Senest deltager hun i ReWork-projektet, som er finansieret af Digital Research Centre Denmark. Rework er et multidisciplinært forskningsprojekt, hvor forskere, en række virksomheder og tre anerkendte kunstnere udforsker fremtiden hybride arbejdsplads og ikke mindst teknologier, der understøtter aspekter som menneskelige behov, relations- og artikulationsarbejde samt legemliggørelse og tilstedeværelse.