26 – 27 SEPTEMBER 2022
Two fantastic days with a focus on digital technologies and computer science are over. Thanks to everyone who helped make the days a success. Find keynote presentations below:
Organisers: Rasmus Pagh, University of Copenhagen & Rico Jacob, IT University of Copenhagen
11.30: Invitation to differential privacy
Boel Nelson and Rasmus Pagh, University of Copenhagen
12.00: Algorithmic Cheminformatics
Jakob Andersen, University of Southern Denmark
12.30: A study on succinct data structures
Mingmou Liu, University of Copenhagen
Organiser: Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
SESSION 1 Verification
BRIDGE: Verifiable and Safe AI for Autonomous Systems
Overview and Status
by Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
HOFOR Case and Strategy Representation
by Andreas Holck Høegh-Petersen, IT University of Copenhagen
Aarhus Vand Case and Reinforcement Learning
by Martijn Goorden (AAU)
Verification of Dynamical Systems
by Max Tschaikowski, Aalborg University
Verification of Neural Network Control Systems
by Christian Schilling, Aalborg University
Formal Verification and Robust Machine Learning
by Alessandro Bruni, IT University of Copenhagen
EXPLORE: Verifiable and Robust AI FUTURE projects
EXPLORE: Certifiable Controller Synthesis for Cyber-Physical Systems FUTURE projects
Martijn Goorden (short status)
Organiser: Claudio Orlandi, Aarhus University
Part I: Differential Privacy
(joint session with New Perspectives on Algorithms and Datastructures)
11.30 Invitation to differential privacy
Boel Nelson and Rasmus Pagh, University of Copenhagen
12.10 – Small break to change room
Part II: Security in AI
(joint session with AI – Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP)
12.20 Trimming Data Sets: a Verified Algorithm for Robust Mean Estimation
Alessandro Bruni, IT University of Copenhagen
12.40 Privacy and Machine Learning
Peter Scholl, Aarhus University
Workshops continued
Organiser: Christian S. Jensen, Aalborg University
Spatial Data Management
14.05 – 14.30: Efficient Data Management for Modern Spatial Applications and the Internet of Moving Things
by Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou (ITU)
14.30 – 14.55: Building a maritime traffic network for route optimization using AIS data
by Búgvi Benjamin Jónleifsson Magnussen & Nikolaj Blæser (RUC)
14.55 – 15.20: Big Mobility Data Analytics: Algorithms and Techniques for Efficient Trajectory Clustering
by Panagiotis Tampakis (SDU)
One Minute Madness
Presentation of DIREC projects following Q&A
Organiser: Jan Madsen, Technical University of Denmark
10:00 – 12:00 Tutorial:
• Basic concepts
• Models of computations
• Use cases / Applications
• Tools + Integration to host
12:00 – 12:30 Open discussion on opportunities for and in DIREC
Discussion leader: Sven Karlsson, DTU Compute
A unique collaboration between a university and a private company
In 2019, the Swiss non-profit Concordium Foundation founded the Concordium Blockchain Research Centre Aarhus at Aarhus University (AU). This is a unique example of collaboration between a university and a company where the company sponsors the research carried out at the university with a substantial amount of money.
In this session Associate Professor Bas Spitters from Aarhus University and Senior Researcher Daniel Tschudi from Concordium will share their experiences from the collaboration and comment on issues like:
About Concordium Blockchain Research Centre Aarhus
The research center is to provide the basic research needed to build energy-efficient and scalable blockchain technology that is provably secure. Along the way, it is expected that a lot of discoveries in the blockchain space and related sciences that we cannot anticipate at the onset.
About the Swiss non-profit Concordium Foundation
The mission is to fund research in the blockchain space, and build a new foundational blockchain with focus on business and regulatory compliance. The center performs free, basic research in the theory and technology underlying blockchains. All research performed in the center is open source and patent free and will help build a solid foundation for the entire blockchain space.
Lars, Steffen and Kresten are all graduates from department of computer science at Aarhus University. They have all made an impressive careers with high tech comp companies in Silicon Valley and Denmark. These companies include Next Computer, Sun Micro Systems, VMware, Google, and Uber. They have also been involved in a number of start-ups including Animorphic Systems, OOVM, Toitware, Trifork and Humio. These endeavors have resulted in development of a large palette of new innovative digital technologies.
In the panel they will tell us about their experience and highlight the most important lessons from their careers including their life as computer science students. We will ask them about their advice to students and young candidates of today regarding how to get an interesting carrier working with ground-breaking digital technologies and getting them out in successful products.