Teaching quality and student feedback is negatively impacted by lack of teachers and many students. There is a need to consider how learning technologies can help improve teaching quality and student feedback both in physical and digital learning environments. The resources for teaching at universities are being reduced and we experience challenges in current technology such as MOOCs (which is at scale).
Within the educational programs digital learning tools have been developed and utilised for many years, e.g. for video lectures, automated correction of exercises, and automated multiple-choice exams etc. However, it does not substitute direct teacher-to-student supervision and the need for teachers to constantly develop existing and new courses to meet the standards.
Project period: 2021-2023
Budget: DKK 5,52 million
Scale teaching methods for both physical and digital teaching environments to higher number of students via digital learning technology and a combination of face2face learning, student driven learning and digital learning technology.
Value creation
Increasing the teaching quality at scale with learning technology will enable educational programs to educate more students and improve retention.
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute
E: skhalid@sdu.dk
Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute