Hotel Nyborg Strand
Østerøvej 2
5800 Nyborg - 13 - 14 September 2021
- 9.30 - 16.00
- Language: English
- Price: DKK 3400
The purpose is to give the participants in DIREC the opportunity to get to know each other, both professionally and personally / socially and thus create new networks across the universities and the Alexandra Institute.
We hope this will lead to the identification of new research issues, including grand challenges for digital technologies, collaboration across workstreams, and new projects with companies and the public sector.
Workstream managers, participants from other universities in DIREC workstreams, DIREC project participants including PhDs and postdocs, as well as others who are professionally interested in participating in a DIREC workstream.
Arrival, croissants and coffee
Parallel workshops with a lunch break from 12.00-13.00
Location: Sal G
20-minute-talks with 5 minutes Q&A of younger researchers from the participating universities
10.00 Introduction Mads Nielsen, KU
10.05 Mathias, SDU: Adaptive neural control for legged robots
10.30 Kasra Arnavaz, DTU: Topology-aware Segmentation of Pancreatic Tubes
10.55 Biobreak
11.05 Mostafa Ghazi:, KU Disease modelling via RNN
11.30 Laura Alessandretti, DTU: Modelling individual mobility behavior
11.55 Lunch
13.00 Alessandro Tibo, AAU: Learning and Interpreting Multi-Multi-Instance Learning Networks
13.25 Morten Hannemose, DTU: TBD
13.50 Biobreak
14.00 Nikolaj Theodor Thams, KU: Invariant Reinforcement Learning: Generalization through causality
14.25 Joakim Bruslund Haurum, AAU: Automated Sewer Defect Classification
Organiser: Mads Nielsen, University of Copenhagen
Location: Sal A
10.00 Introduction (brief round of introductions)
10.10 Overview of WS3-related research at RUC, Hua Lu
10.30 Overview of research in the DASYA lab at ITU, Pinar Tözün
10.55 Break
11.10 Overview of research at Daisy, AAU, Christian S. Jensen
11.40 TipTap: Approximate Mining of Frequent k-Subgraph Patterns in Evolving Graphs, Cigdem Aslay
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Time-Constrained Indoor Keyword-aware Routing, Harry Kai-Ho Chan
13.25 Data-intensive solutions for vehicular transportation, Kristian Torp
13.45 Break
14.00 Semantic (Big) Data Exploration, Matteo Lissandrini
14.20 Data management in event-based systems, Yongluan Zhou
14.40 Privacy-preserving analysis of web data streams, Daniele Dell’Aglio
Organiser: Christian S. Jensen, Aalborg University
Location: Salon 20
10.00-10.30 Who is who and introduction to the day
10.30-11.30 Privacy and ethics (Louise Barkhuus)*
11.30-12.30 Participation and data (Henrik Korsgaard)*
13-00-14.00 CSCW and global software/remote collaboration (Pernille Bjørn)*
14.00-15.00 Group discussions
*= Presentation and discussion
Organisers: Susanne Bødker, Aarhus University and Louise Barkhuus, IT University of Copenhagen
Location: Salon 21
This workshop aims to obtain a common understanding of the area of cyber-physical system among the DIREC partners – who we are, what we do and the challenges ahead. The outcome will be a joint profile and a plan for future collaboration.
10:00 Introduction to WS6, aim of the day
10:15 Who is who?
12:00 Presentation of current WS6 DIREC projects (inspiration for new projects)
12:30 Lunch
13:00 The CPS ecosystem — next step, meeting, event, etc.
13:45 Identifying the Grand Challenges of CPS
14:45 Conclusions of the day
Organiser: Jan Madsen, Technical University of Denmark
Location: Salon 22
This workshop aims to obtain a common understanding of the area of Verification and Software Engineering (V&SE) among the DIREC partners – who we are, what we do and the challenges ahead. The outcome will be a joint profile and a plan for future collaboration.
10:00 Introduction to WS7 (V&SE), aim of the day
10:15 Who is who?
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Presentation of current WS7 DIREC projects (inspiration for new projects)
13:30 The VE&SE ecosystem — next step, meeting, event, etc.
14:00 Identifying the Grand Challenges of V&SE and key interaction points with other WS
14:45 Conclusions of the day
Organiser: Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
Location: Salon 24
Generel drøftelse af mål (herunder DIRECs interne KPIer vedr. WS 13) og hvad er det vi skal samarbejde om.
Ansvarlig: Mark Riis
Coffee break
The purpose of these workshops is to make the participants acquainted with each other, learn what people are interested in, and discuss possibilities for collaboration across workstreams.
The format is as follows:
Workshop flow
All PowerPoint slides will be uploaded and made available for all participants of the seminar using this link
Location: Salon 24
Responsible: Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen
Drinks and get-together / walk to the beach
Conference dinner
Welcome by Thomas Riisgaard Hansen
A brief look at research trajectory in computer vision and machine learning
– and the new Pioneer Centre
Serge Belongie, Head of the new Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence
digitallead – Danmarks digitaliseringsklynge
Carolina Benjaminsen, CEO DigitalLead
Collaborating with researchers
– a perspective from industry
Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard, REInvest Robotics
From digital research to creating a successful startup
Jakob Bardram, Professor, Technical University of Denmark
Stephen Alstrup, Professor, Copenhagen University
Coffee break
Workshops and parallel Birds of a Feather sessions with a lunch break from 12.00-13.00
Location: Salon 23
The WS9 workshop focuses on the role of social science and humanities (SSH) research in the context of the DIREC network. The ambition with the workshop is to address the interdependency of technological innovation and uptake of the technologies in relevant contexts. A central discussion is when to include SSH research perspectives in technology innovation research.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Discussion
Organiser: Helle Zinner Henriksen, Copenhagen Business School
Location: Salon 25
11.00-12.00 – Welcome
by Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, SDU (5 min)
Increasing diversity via teaching
by Claus Brabrand, ITU (20 min)
Software infrastructures for teaching at scale
by Ulrik Nyman, AAU and Jakob Andersen, SDU (15 min)
Debate: Educating more software specialists – what should DIREC do on a national level?
12.00-13.00 – Lunch break
Debate: Educating more software specialists – what should DIREC do on a national level?
Debate: Educating more software specialists – what should DIREC do on a national level?
Summary in plenum and next steps (20 min)
Organiser: Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, University of Southern Denmark
One or more participants can invite to a session where you can discuss a given topic, which could be:
We encourage you to suggest topics before or during the seminar. Suggestions can be uploaded here
Location: Salon 26
This BOF will gather researchers interested in increasing impact of their research in Danish society.
Based on a short presentation, we will discuss how it researchers can increase impact of their research, by focusing on collaboration with partners in the Danish innovation ecosystem.
The initial presentation will outline the Danish innovation ecosystem, and give examples of successful collaboration projects between university it researchers, the Alexandra Institute and private companies.
Location: Salon 27
The idea of this BoF is to gather researchers interested in cryptographic protocols, differential privacy, information flow, social networks, privacy and ethics, to identify concrete challenges at the intersections of these areas.
Location: Salon 28
In this BoF we will be exploring different ways where computer science can contribute to some of the challenges related to climate change. Computer science plays a big role in most green technologies, but is often regarded as invisible infrastructure and not something that need separate attention.
We will share ideas and examples and discuss how we can frame computer science within the green agenda.
Location: Salon 29
Not building biases into AI
Green challenges
(American) National Academy of Engineering (NAE) grand challenges.
Location: Salon 24
Location: Sofa group next to auditorium
Human interaction with verification tools
Internal management meeting SAL D / end of seminar