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How corona changed distributed work – The future challenges in hybrid work

The corona pandemic changed the perspective on how organizations think about the challenges in collaboration across geographical distance.


The distance framework from 2000 has been fundamental to how we think about the design and use of technology supporting cooperative work. In 2014, the framework was changed due to new technological opportunities. With corona, the challenges embedded in distributed work changed again in 2020 and now, after the pandemic, we have a situation where organizations think about how to utilize the learnings from the pandemic in the future workplace. 

Professor Pernille Bjørn from University of Copenhagen will take us though the different frameworks and discuss the fundamental challenges in distributed and hybrid work before she presents potential ideas for how to move forward in an organization in terms of future work situations. 



Pernille Bjørn

My main research falls into the research domain of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). CSCW is an interdisciplinary research agenda with two main aims, namely to 1) investigate the basic nature of collaborative work, with the aim of 2) designing collaborative technologies.

Since 2006, I have studied the collaborative work practices in several different domains: Software development, Healthcare, Engineering, and Education. The collective contribution of all this work has to date added to unpacking practices of routine, coordination, sorting, triage, awareness, commitment, coupling of work, knowledge sharing, and cultural difficulties. Unpacking of complexities of collaborative practices can be done in many ways, and most currently we have looked into how digital tracking technologies can facilitate architectural practices of future hospitals. The purpose of this work is to figure out how to bring these insights into the way we think, design, adapt, and embed collaborative technologies.

Most recently, my interest has moved towards more design-oriented interests especially how to utilise the potentials of digital fabrication technologies for exploratory prototyping. In particular, I am interested in exploring Maker communities and the role which Makerspaces have in facilitating entrepreneurship and innovation. More concretely, exploring how disruptive technologies e.g. Blockchain have the ability to change innovation. Current work also includes exploring the role of critical design artefacts, and the ways in which we can challenge current trends within development of digital interactive technologies.