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21 JUNE 2022

Tailored course is to start the entrepreneurial fire in young researchers

At the end of May, 55-60 younger researchers from the computer science departments across Denmark attended a course on entrepreneurship. The course is a collaboration between DIREC, the Pioneer Centre for AI, the Foundation for Entrepreneurship and the Danish Data Science Academy. It has been both a breeding ground for concrete start-ups and an introduction to the ecosystem for innovation at the Danish universities.

Most importantly, a mindset in entrepreneurship thinking has been planted in the researchers, explains Mark Riis, Head of Innovation at DTU Compute, and originator of the course as well as leader of DIREC’s work with entrepreneurship.

“It is of great value to plant this mindset because researchers work in a different way and only publish when the last sentence is finished. Entrepreneurship is about experimenting and testing your idea with the outside world and the market, so that you always get feedback. In addition to planting this mindset, the course has inspired some of the participants to start a business based on their research. It is going to be exciting to see how the concrete startup ideas develop.”

Read the full story (only available in Danish)