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Algorithms education via animation videos


Forelæsninger om algoritmer består traditionelt af tavle-/slidedemonstrationer og læsemateriale. Denne metode er dog ikke nødvendigvis optimal for alle studerende: Flere meget populære YouTube-kanaler for matematik og andet videnskabeligt indhold (f.eks. 3blue1brown, Numberphile, Veritasium) med millioner af visninger indikerer, at lærende kan reagere meget positivt på professionelt producerede undervisningsvideoer. Dette projekt sigter mod at skabe og evaluere et indledende bibliotek af sådanne videoer til at supplere undervisningen i algoritmer.

This project primarily creates value in computer science education. It allows students to approach abstract concepts within CS through online videos, a familiar medium for digital natives. This medium gives educators and learners an alternative way of approaching material that is inherently abstract and generally considered hard to grasp.

In alignment with the goals of workstream 12, this project also supports scaling the teaching of algorithms topics through digital technology. With a focus on clear and engaging communication and visual design, we also expect this alternative teaching mode to inspire students that are otherwise deterred from the classical technical image of CS.

This may have beneficial effects on student diversity. With the necessary infrastructure set up, the project serves as a basis for further research projects and BSc/MSc theses on algorithm visualization and education. This attracts more students to algorithms topics, and possibly also to research in algorithms as PhD students.

Examples for previous theses supervised by the PI are shown at the bottom of this page. With their educational value and production quality, coupled with our dissemination efforts, the videos indirectly also serve as outreach and publicity for CS education in Denmark, the DIREC project, and computer science in general.

This may attract the general public and prospective students to computer science topics. Here, we also rely on the outreach expertise of project partner Thore Husfeldt. Formal publications in computer science education conferences/journals may also follow from this project


Project Manager

Thore Husfeldt


IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

E: thore@itu.dk

Nutan Limaye

Associate Professor

IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Christian Wulff-Nilsen

Associate Professor

University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Mikkel Abrahamsen

Assistant Professor

University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Srikanth Srinivasan

Associate Professor

Aarhus University
Department of Computer Science

Philip Bille


Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

Inge Li Gørtz


Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

Eva Rotenberg

Associate Professor

Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute