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- Tools and Methods for the Design and Coordination of Reactive Hybrid Systems


Et tilbagevendende problem for digitaliserede virksomheder er at designe og koordinere hybride systemer, der inkluderer IoT (Internet of Things), edge- og cloud-løsninger. De nuværende anvendte metoder og værktøjer er ikke effektive til dette formål, fordi de i for høj grad er afhængige af uformelle specifikationer, der er manuelt skrevet og fortolket af mennesker.

Vi sigter mod at udforske anvendeligheden af de nyeste teknologier og metoder udviklet ved SDU, KU og AAU til design af reaktive hybride IoT-edge-cloud-arkitekturer i dansk industri. Disse teknologier er baseret på entydige formelle sprog, som kan behandles af computere for at kontrollere ønskelige designegenskaber (såsom kompatibilitet af softwaregrænseflader) og for at implementere komponenter til overvågning af systemers korrekte funktion. Anvendelse af disse teknikker har vist sig at øge produktiviteten i digitale industrier væsentligt (for eksempel op til 4x stigning i udviklingshastigheden).

Vores mål er at:

  1. gennemføre en konkret brugssag med en partner virksomhed (Sanovo Technology Group)
  2. igangsætte videndeling om dette emne mellem AAU, KU og SDU gennem workshops
  3. formidle vores resultater til resten af DIREC-samfundet.

Scientific value
The scientific value of the project is twofold:

  • (a) concrete knowledge on the advantages and potential challenges brought by the application of cutting-edge techniques like Jolie for the development of hybrid systems (IoT-edge-cloud) in the Danish industry (using Sanovo Technology Group for the case study); and
  • (b) knowledge on the synergies and future directions for the integration of forefront scientific methods for hybrid systems developed by Danish universities (Jolie, UPPAAL, DCR Graphs). Providing a perspective that comes from concrete industrial experience, with substaintiated needs, has significant potential to influence the future development of both research and industrial development in Denmark.

Capacity building
Companies will thus benefit from an increased number of students that they can hire to satisfy their needs with respect to hybrid systems. Universities benefit by gaining sustainable candidates for PhD positions in future projects connected to this exploration.

Business and societal value
Due to the growth potential in solutions for automation and data intensive processing solutions, this project will strengthen Danish competitiveness through a reduced cost of developing deploying and running IoT and cloud software. Potentially, this could lead to increased export of IT products and services.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Fabrizio Montesi


University of Southern Denmark
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

E: fmontesi@imada.sdu.dk

Thomas Troels Hildebrandt


University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Kim Guldstrand Larsen


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Marco Schiarandini

Associate Professor

University of Southern Denmark
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Narongrit Unwerawattana

Scientific Programmer

University of Southern Denmark
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Steven Beck Klingberg

System Manager

Sanovo Technology Group

Morten Marquard


DCR Solutions

Claudio Guidi

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Italiana Software
