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Quantum in practice: Current industry applications

Quantum Event:

Quantum in practice: Current industry applications

Join us for an afternoon filled with insights and inspiration as we explore the potential of quantum computing.

Are you curious about cutting-edge research and real-world applications of quantum technology?

Four leading companies working in quantum computing will share their work and showcase real-world use cases for quantum computing and quantum-inspired computing. From computational problems to chemistry and optimization, the talks will highlight how quantum computing is reshaping industries and solving today’s challenges for companies and society.

***This event will be held in Danish***

Whether you’re a quantum enthusiast or just curious about the potential of quantum technologies, this event will show you the many ways in which quantum computing can be applied to revolutionize our industries and society for good.


12.30-13.00 Lunch and networking 

13.00-13.10  Welcome 

13.10-13.40  Variationelle kvantealgoritmer (VQA) til kvantekemi og kemitekniske applikationer
Mark Jones, Co-Founder & CEO/CTO, Molecular Quantum Solutions

13.40-14.10  Hvordan vi finder svære beregningsmæssige problemer
Janus Wesenberg, Head of Research, Kvantify

14.10-14.20  Coffee break

14.20-14.50  Hvordan QPurpose bruger kvanteteknologi til at løse computationelle problemer på tværs af industrier 
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Founder and CEO, QPurpose

14.50-15.20  Kvantesikker kryptografi
Emil Hansen, CTO, Cryptomatic

15.20-15.50  Panel discussion
Moderator Sofie Lindskov Hansen, Quantum Business Developer, Sparrow Quantum

15.50-15.55  Closing remarks

15.55-16.15  Networking and refreshment

Previous events

Workshop: An update on quantum computers – where are we today?


An update on Quantum computers – where are we today?

Quantum technology has become a hot topic, not the least in Denmark with the recent announcement of the Government’s Quantum Strategy.

Quantum computing is probably the potentially most disruptive of the three main quantum technologies (sensing, communications and computing). In this workshop we will illustrate the current state-of-the art of quantum computing through examples and explanations from researchers in this field.
We are still in the so-called NISQ-era (noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum) with a limited number of very fragile qubits. The technical press frequently reports about ‘breakthroughs’ and you may get the impression that the ultimate quantum computer is just around the corner. There have also been reports about interesting results obtained with so-called analog quantum simulators.
It may be difficult to look through the hype and get a clear impression of where we stand today. Some claim that it will be possible to obtain performance with NISQ-processors that will outperform state-of-the-art HPCs quite soon. Others think that it will not happen until an error corrected, gate-based quantum processor becomes available.
In this workshop we will present examples of what’s actually possible today and we will address some of the recent so-called breakthroughs. We will also explain what analog quantum simulators are, and what they may be used for.
Target audience:
The target audience for the workshop are researchers and technical staff from the members of DIREC and the Danish Quantum Community and others having a basic background knowledge on quantum computing.


09:30 – 10:00 Arrival and coffee

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome

10:05 – 10:20 Overview of performance for available quantum computers

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Ulrich Busk Hoff, Kvantify

10:20 – 10:35 Error mitigation – a way to early quantum advantage? 

IBM Quantum Ambassador, Henrik Vosegaard and
Partner Technical Specialist, Christoffer Mohr Jensen IBM

10:35 – 10:50 Quantum simulators – what is that, and what can they do?
PhD student Dylan Harley, QMATH

10:50 – 11:20 Discussion in smaller groups

  • Benchmarking quantum versus classical computing
  • Efficient mapping of quantum algorithms onto NISQ computers
  • Market aspects/venture capital
  • How do we engage more computer scientists in quantum computing?

11:20 – 11:35 Assessment of recent results from Quantinuum
Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Head of Center for Quantum Matematics, SDU

11:35 – 11:50 Optimal Mapping of Quantum Circuits to NISQ computers
Professor Jaco van de Pol and Ph.D. PostDoc Irfansha Shaik, Department of Computer Science, AU

11:50 – 12:10 Experience from working with NISQ-devices in the Cloud
Head of Research, Janus Wesenberg, Kvantify

12:10 – 12:30 Computer science’s role in early quantum computing
Professor, Dr. Tech. Torben Larsen, AAU

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch and networking


DIREC only supports researchers who collaborate across universities

27 OCTOBER 2022

DIREC only supports researchers who collaborate across universities

Denmark’s talented researchers must become better at collaborating across universities and industry. Only then do we stand a chance against the big foreign knowledge institutions.


How do we become better at using artificial intelligence in healthcare?

17 OCTOBER 2022

How do we become better at using artificial intelligence in healthcare?

There is an increasing demand in Denmark for new and more advanced healthcare services. In the coming years, there will be more elderly people with treatment needs and a decreasing youth population to take care of the elderly. The challenges call for us to think differently, so that we can jointly develop a well-functioning healthcare system that can provide the best treatment methods.

The use of artificial intelligence is an important part of the solution when resources need to be optimized and we need to think differently. But is our healthcare system ready to implement the new solutions, and what challenges will arise in the meeting between digital research and everyday life in a busy hospital?

“Artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve the ways we prevent and diagnose diseases, optimize treatments, increase quality and reduce errors. A huge number of technological innovations are emerging right now, many of which are promising research-based AI solutions, and yet it is a challenge to get them tested and implemented in the healthcare sector, says Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, director of Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC). 

What is holding the development back and what are the actual challenges? Is it that technology is getting closer, but still too limited and full of errors to create actual value in the healthcare sector? Is it that data and legislation complicate the development of algorithms? Is it that the healthcare system has problems incorporating new technology and changing work processes? Is it a lack of resources and money? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? This hot topic was discussed in the session ‘How to navigate the challenges of implementing groundbreaking AI in the healthcare sector’ at this year’s Digital Tech Summit. 

“It is a major task to use the technological opportunities in the healthcare system and it also requires us not to be deceived by dazzling promises about what the technology can do but, instead, we must work purposefully to exploit the actual opportunities and to remove or reduce the barriers that interfere,” says Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, who has worked with health innovation for 20 years and moderated the panel discussion. 

He was accompanied by technology companies, researchers, innovators, and health professionals, who gave their own take on how we can jointly support the development and implementation of new solutions that will benefit patients and staff.

The session presented three concrete cases about implementation of AI in the Danish healthcare system:  

Getting Access to Health Data and Ways to Leverage it in the Health Sector
Henrik Løvig, Enversion & Gitte Kjeldsen, Danish Life Science Cluster

Getting AI innovations implemented internationally
Mads Jarner Brevadt, Co-founder & CEO, Radiobotics & Janus Uhd Nybing, Ledende Forskningsradiograf, Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital samt Medstifter, Radiologisk AI Testcenter RAIT

Getting Research Implemented in the Daily Practices in a Hospital Setting
Mads Nielsen, Professor, KU andIlse Vejborg, Head of Department, Rigshospitalet

Each case is based on experiences with the implementation of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system and highlighted the challenges and best practices that have been identified from the perspective of the technology developers and not least of the healthcare professionals.

The session was organized by DIREC, Pioneer Centre for AI, CBS, DTU, and Danish Life Science Cluster. 





Drone swarms must respond fast in case of natural disasters and drowning accidents

10 OCTOBER 2022

Drone swarms must respond fast in case of natural disasters and drowning accidents

Artificial intelligence must make drone swarms autonomous in order to use them as an effective tool for searches at sea. Drone swarms must also be able to respond fast in the event of floods and other natural disasters.

Researchers from SDU and AAU are currently collaborating with the Aalborg company Robotto and the Danish Emergency Management Agency to develop the autonomous drone swarms.

Robotto is already known from the Danish TV program “My idea – our mission”. Earlier this year, the company won the competition for best climate idea for the development of intelligent drones to help monitor large areas of land and fight wildfires before they get out of control.

Sees things which cannot be seen by the human eye
Together with researchers from University of Southern Denmark and Aalborg University led by Professor Anders Lyhne Christensen from SDU Biorobotics and Associate Professor, PhD Tim Merritt from the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University, Robotto is now working on developing intelligent drones for use in search operations at sea. The drones will also be able to help rescuers searching for survivors and victims after floods and other natural disasters.

“We work with artificial intelligence and swarm drone technology. Our goal is to get many drones to cooperate so that they can coordinate a search operation over a large area with precision and autonomously. As the drones with artificial intelligence can see much more than the human eye, they are an important tool in future search and rescue efforts,” says Kenneth Richard Geipel, co-founder and CEO of Robotto.

Cheaper and more efficient
Drone swarms are both cheaper to operate and more efficient than rescue helicopters, he adds. The price for a drone is approx. DKK 100,000. In comparison, it costs DKK 16,000 per minute when a rescue helicopter takes off. “The advantage of artificial intelligence is that it can identify patterns and analyze images much more effectively than humans can. Therefore, a drone can search a very large area and look for people and objects in the sea that are impossible for humans to see.”

Must respond in the case of natural disasters
In the long term, the goal is to establish drone airports in strategic locations, so that the drones can quickly move out, for example after oil spills at sea, during floods and other natural disasters, and within very short time help the emergency services with the situation. “Even if we stopped all CO2 emissions tomorrow we will still experience natural disasters like the floods in Pakistan and Florida. Therefore, it makes good sense to have mobile containers with small drones ready, so that they can respond fast in operations in high-risk areas,” says Kenneth Richard Geipel.

In the future, the drones will be able to work completely autonomously and be able to manage missions themselves, he adds. “Drones can already make decisions themselves depending on the situation, and when we get several drones to communicate, it will only require one person on the ground to press start. The drones will take care of the rest together and they figure on their own how to search an area in the best possible way.”


Digital superstars, inspiring workshops and ‘netwalking’ in the Marselisborg Forests

4 OCTOBER 2022

Digital superstars, inspiring workshops and ‘netwalking’ in the Marselisborg Forests

A huge thanks to all those who participated and helped make the DIREC Seminar 2022 a success.

The DIREC team had aimed to put together a programme that we hope accommodated everyone’s interests.

From keynote speeches by Robert Wille on Quantum Computing, by Marieke Huisman on the importance of software research and by Volker Markl on big data database system and information management, a one-minute madness session where young researchers had one minute each to present their projects, and an insight into the collaboration between The Concordium Blockchain Research Center Aarhus (COBRA) and Concordium to the workshops focusing on all the DIREC projects and important digital technologies, challenges and professional dilemmas of the time.

The photos show some of the seminar highlights:

This year’s seminar was opened by keynote speakers professor Marieke Huisman from the University of Twente and Dr. Volker Markl from TU Berlin.

The atmosphere was good at Hotel Helnan Marselis where this year’s DIREC seminar took place.

Workshops on current technology topics and Monday’s ‘one-minute madness’ session where young researchers had one minute each to present their DIREC research projects.

Tech superstars shared career advice

The seminar ended in style as the three Danish tech superstars Lars Bak, Steffen Grarup and Kresten Krab Thorup went on stage for a live interview moderated by Ole Lehrmann Madsen.

What does it take to create global mega successes like Uber and Humio, was one of the questions they were asked. They were happy to share career advice and tips and tricks on how to succeed in transforming a small start-up into a successful business with divisions all over the world.

Thank you Bak, Grarup, Thorup and the rest of the keynotes.

We hope you got a lot of inspiration from this year’s seminar.

We are always working on creating new projects. If you are a researcher working within cyber security, the green transition or quantum technology, please reach out to us.

Next year, we will return even stronger when we join forces with DDSA – The Danish Data Science Academy and Pioneer Centre for AI to strengthen knowledge-sharing and collaboration across sectors and sub-fields when we host a joint national conference.

Hotel Marselis was the beautiful backdrop of this year’s DIREC seminar. Many used the breaks to go for ‘netwalking’ in the Marselisborg Forests or along the coast to discuss the themes of the seminar.