DIREC opinion News

Lack of digital skills can impede the Danish quantum adventure

29 November 2023

Lack of skills can impede the Danish quantum adventure

Quantum technology opens up a world of possibilities, but we must acknowledge that the path forward may not necessarily be easy. Denmark can play a crucial role in the development, but to realize this potential, focused investments and, above all, competent digital specialists are needed.

This opinion was published in Børsen on 29 November 2023

Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Director, Digital Research Centre Denmark
Allan Grønlund, co-founder, Kvantify
Michael Kastoryano, Associate Professor, ITU
Jaco van de Pol, Professor, Aarhus University

Quantum computers will not replace our existing computers; they will complement them. They will be particularly effective for highly specialized tasks, where they can perform complex calculations significantly faster than conventional computers.

Read more (in Danish)

Bridge project

Automatic Tuning of Spin-qubit Arrays

DIREC project

Automatic Tuning of Spin-qubit Arrays


Spin-qubit quantum-dot arrays are one of the most promising candidates for universal quantum computing. However, with the size of the arrays, a bottleneck has emerged: Tuning the many control parameters of an array by hand is time-consuming and very expensive. The nascent spin-qubit industry needs a platform of algorithms that can be fine-tuned to specific sensing hardware, and which allows cold-start tuning of a device. Such a platform must include efficient, scalable, and robust algorithms against common problems in manufactured devices. The current landscape of automatic tuning algorithms does not fulfill these requirements 
This project aims to overcome the major obstacles in developing the algorithms:  

  1. Develop interpretable physics-inspired Machine Learning approaches.
  2. Demonstrate practical scalability of algorithms based on line scans.
  3. Automate discovery of optimal measurement strategies. 

Project period: 2022-2025

Project Manager

  • Assistant Professor Oswin Krause
  • Department of Computer Science, KU

Spin-qubit quantum-dot arrays are one of the most promising candidates for universal quantum computing. While manufacturing even single dots used to be a challenge, nowadays multi-dot arrays are becoming the norm. However, with the size of the arrays, a new bottleneck emerged: tuning the many control parameters of an array by hand is not feasible anymore. This makes R&D of this promising technology difficult: hand tuning by experts becomes harder, as not only the size increases, but also more, and more difficult interactions between the parameters manifest. This process is time-consuming and very expensive. Not only does tuning a device require several steps, each of which can take several days to complete, but also at each step, errors can manifest that can lead to re-tuning of earlier steps or even starting from scratch with a new device. Moreover, devices drift over time and have to be re-tuned to their perfect operation point.

The lack of automatic tuning algorithms that can run on dedicated or embedded hardware is by now one of the biggest factors that hamper the growth of the nascent spin-qubit industry as a whole. What is needed is a platform of algorithms that can be fine-tuned to specific sensing hardware and which allows cold-start tuning of a device: that is, after the device is cooled, tuning it up to a specific operating regime and finding the parameters required to perform specific operations or measurements. Such a platform must include algorithms that are efficient, scalable and robust against common problems in manufactured devices.

The current landscape of automatic tuning algorithms does not fulfill these requirements. Many algorithms are specifically developed for common small device types and use algorithms that do not scale up to more complex devices, or include assumptions on the geometry of the devices that many experimental devices do not fulfill. On the other hand, recent candidates for scalable algorithms are theoretical or developed targeting simplified simulations and lack robustness to the difficulties encountered on real devices.

The research Aims are to overcome the major obstacles in developing the algorithms, which are outlined below:

Aim1: Develop interpretable physics-inspired Machine Learning approaches (WP2)

Machine Learning approaches often rely on flexible black-box models that allow them to solve a task with high precision. However, these models are not interpretable, which makes them unusable for many tasks in physics. Still, interpretable models often lack the flexibility required to solve the task satisfactorily. We will develop physics-inspired models that add additional flexibility to physics-based models in a way that does not interfere with interpretability. A key element to achieve this is to limit the degree of variation the flexible components can add on top of the physical model. We will test the robustness by application on different devices, tuned into regimes that require the additional flexibility.

Aim2: Demonstrate practical scalability of algorithms based on line-scans (WP1-3)

For an algorithm to be useful in practice, it must be scalable to large device sizes. An example for an approach that is not scalable, is the use of 2D raster scans to measure angles and slopes of transitions. This is because the number of required 2D scans rises quickly with the number of parameters of the device. We will instead rely on 1D line-scans and demonstrate that we can still infer the same quantities as 2D scans at a lower measurement time on real devices.

Aim3: Automate discovery of optimal measurement strategies (WP3)

To keep devices at an optimal operating point, they have to be re-tuned with high frequency (e.g., every 100ms). We will develop adaptable active learning and measurement selection strategies to allow monitoring and adaptation of the device parameters while it is running.


Currently, the largest manufactured quantum-dot array has 16 qubits in a 4×4 configuration [1]. While promising, it has not been successfully controlled yet. The largest hand-tuned array has 8 qubits [2] in a 2×4 configuration, where the array was tuned to contain a single electron on each dot.

To date most development of automatic tuning algorithms are compatible with arrays of at most two qubits and use deep-learning techniques to approach several steps of the tuning process. These steps involve coarse tuning of a device into the area where it forms quantum dots [3], finding the empty charge state of the device [3], finding a regime with two distinct dots [4] and navigating to a regime with a correct number of charge states [5].

All these techniques are primarily based on 2D raster scans of the charge-sensor response given two control voltages and rely on additional heuristics to allow for efficient tuning.

For techniques that support more than two qubits, there is far less work performed. For the task of finding inter-dot electron transitions [6-7] an algorithm has been demonstrated to work on a silicon device with 3 dots and on an idealized simulated device with up to 16 dots in a 4×4 configuration allowing for automatic labeling of transitions. However, the device used in [6] used a favorable sensor setup that is not applicable to more general devices.

Value Creation

The project is situated at a perfect point in time for realizing its scientific impact via publications of the post doctoral researcher and the development of open source algorithms. We are at a turning point in Danish Quantum efforts: In 2021 the EU funded the QLSI quantum consortium, a 10 year project to develop spin-qubit quantum-dot arrays with strong involvement of Danish collaborators. In 2022, the Novo Nordisk foundation funded the Quantum for Life Center and in 2023 the new Danish NATO center for Quantum Technologies will open at the University of Copenhagen. Moreover, there is a long term pledge from Novo Nordisk foundation to fund development of the first functional quantum computer until 2034. With these long term investments, the scientific outcomes of the project will become available at a time when many other projects are starting and automatic tuning algorithms become mandatory for many of these efforts. To aid these goals, this project will make use of an existing collaboration of QM and KU with the IGNITE EU project that aims to develop a 48 spin-qubit device to verify the usefulness of the developed algorithms.

QM will create value by bundling their hardware solutions together with tuned versions of the software, which allows their customer base to develop and test their devices on a shorter time-scale.

Moreover, this project will foster knowledge transfer between machine-learning and quantum physics in order to continue development of high quality machine-learning approaches. To this end, regular meetings between all participants will be conducted and the work will be presented at physics conferences


The project creates value by strategically leveraging its position within the evolving landscape of quantum technology developments, facilitating scientific impact through publications and open-source algorithm development. Furthermore, it fosters knowledge transfer between machine learning and quantum physics, ultimately enabling shorter development cycles for hardware solutions and advancing the field through interdisciplinary collaboration and dissemination efforts.



Quantum technology and digitalisation: DIREC invited to a research workshop at DTU on 6 January

20 january 2023

Quantum technology and digitalisation: DIREC invited to a research workshop at DTU on 6 January

How do we create a Danish community of computer scientists who can develop future software for quantum technologies? This was the subject of a workshop where 40 leading researchers were recently gathered at Technical University of Denmark.

Massive investments are made in quantum technology, and major technological advances have been achieved in recent years. Although there is probably still a long way to go before an actual quantum computer will be faster than classical computers for anything other than very special calculations, digitization and computer science can already now benefit the development in many areas.

Read the post in Danish

Previous events

Quantum in practice: Current industry applications

Quantum Event:

Quantum in practice: Current industry applications

Join us for an afternoon filled with insights and inspiration as we explore the potential of quantum computing.

Are you curious about cutting-edge research and real-world applications of quantum technology?

Four leading companies working in quantum computing will share their work and showcase real-world use cases for quantum computing and quantum-inspired computing. From computational problems to chemistry and optimization, the talks will highlight how quantum computing is reshaping industries and solving today’s challenges for companies and society.

***This event will be held in Danish***

Whether you’re a quantum enthusiast or just curious about the potential of quantum technologies, this event will show you the many ways in which quantum computing can be applied to revolutionize our industries and society for good.


12.30-13.00 Lunch and networking 

13.00-13.10  Welcome 

13.10-13.40  Variationelle kvantealgoritmer (VQA) til kvantekemi og kemitekniske applikationer
Mark Jones, Co-Founder & CEO/CTO, Molecular Quantum Solutions

13.40-14.10  Hvordan vi finder svære beregningsmæssige problemer
Janus Wesenberg, Head of Research, Kvantify

14.10-14.20  Coffee break

14.20-14.50  Hvordan QPurpose bruger kvanteteknologi til at løse computationelle problemer på tværs af industrier 
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Founder and CEO, QPurpose

14.50-15.20  Kvantesikker kryptografi
Emil Hansen, CTO, Cryptomatic

15.20-15.50  Panel discussion
Moderator Sofie Lindskov Hansen, Quantum Business Developer, Sparrow Quantum

15.50-15.55  Closing remarks

15.55-16.15  Networking and refreshment

Previous events

Workshop: An update on quantum computers – where are we today?


An update on Quantum computers – where are we today?

Quantum technology has become a hot topic, not the least in Denmark with the recent announcement of the Government’s Quantum Strategy.

Quantum computing is probably the potentially most disruptive of the three main quantum technologies (sensing, communications and computing). In this workshop we will illustrate the current state-of-the art of quantum computing through examples and explanations from researchers in this field.
We are still in the so-called NISQ-era (noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum) with a limited number of very fragile qubits. The technical press frequently reports about ‘breakthroughs’ and you may get the impression that the ultimate quantum computer is just around the corner. There have also been reports about interesting results obtained with so-called analog quantum simulators.
It may be difficult to look through the hype and get a clear impression of where we stand today. Some claim that it will be possible to obtain performance with NISQ-processors that will outperform state-of-the-art HPCs quite soon. Others think that it will not happen until an error corrected, gate-based quantum processor becomes available.
In this workshop we will present examples of what’s actually possible today and we will address some of the recent so-called breakthroughs. We will also explain what analog quantum simulators are, and what they may be used for.
Target audience:
The target audience for the workshop are researchers and technical staff from the members of DIREC and the Danish Quantum Community and others having a basic background knowledge on quantum computing.


09:30 – 10:00 Arrival and coffee

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome

10:05 – 10:20 Overview of performance for available quantum computers

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Ulrich Busk Hoff, Kvantify

10:20 – 10:35 Error mitigation – a way to early quantum advantage? 

IBM Quantum Ambassador, Henrik Vosegaard and
Partner Technical Specialist, Christoffer Mohr Jensen IBM

10:35 – 10:50 Quantum simulators – what is that, and what can they do?
PhD student Dylan Harley, QMATH

10:50 – 11:20 Discussion in smaller groups

  • Benchmarking quantum versus classical computing
  • Efficient mapping of quantum algorithms onto NISQ computers
  • Market aspects/venture capital
  • How do we engage more computer scientists in quantum computing?

11:20 – 11:35 Assessment of recent results from Quantinuum
Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Head of Center for Quantum Matematics, SDU

11:35 – 11:50 Optimal Mapping of Quantum Circuits to NISQ computers
Professor Jaco van de Pol and Ph.D. PostDoc Irfansha Shaik, Department of Computer Science, AU

11:50 – 12:10 Experience from working with NISQ-devices in the Cloud
Head of Research, Janus Wesenberg, Kvantify

12:10 – 12:30 Computer science’s role in early quantum computing
Professor, Dr. Tech. Torben Larsen, AAU

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch and networking

Previous events

Quantum Computing – Workshop and Opening Event

Part 1 workshop

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing

Part 2

Part 2 Opening Event

Quantum Hub Opening Event

PART 1 Workshop:  09:00-12:00

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing


09:00 Welcome
by DIREC managing director Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

09:10 Topological Quantum Computing
by Professor and QM Centre Director Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

10:20 Coffee break

10:35 Gaussian Boson Sampling
by Assistant Professor Shan Shan

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Measurement-based Quantum Computing
PhD Student Santiago Quintero de los Rios

All are welcome

Sign up by e-mail to Thomas Riisgaard Hansen


PART 2: 13:00 – 17:00

SDU Quantum Hub Opening Event


13:00 Welcome by SDU Quantum Hub
by Director Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

13:05 Presentations of quantum research activities at:

  • NBI, Professor Klaus Mølmer

  • DTU, Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen

  • ITU, Associate Professor Michael Kastoryano
  • AU, Professor Birgit Schiøtt

  • AAU, Professor Torben Larsen

  • KU, Professor Matthias Christandl

15:25 Coffee break

15:40 Presentation of the SDU Quantum Hub
by Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

16:10 Addresses
by TEK Dean, Professor Henrik Bindslev, NAT Dean, Professor Marianne Holmer & Rector, Professor Jens Ringsmose

16:30 Reception

Registration is not needed

Previous events

Quantum workshop for digital researchers


quantum workshop for digital researchers

Workshop for researchers interested in doing research within digitalization and quantum technology. 


10.00 – 10.30 Arrival and coffee

10.30 – 10.45 Welcome and presentation of participants 
Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, DIREC

10.45 – 11.45 Theme 1: What it takes to build a large scale quantum computer

Part I: Presentation – Michael Kastoryano, ITU

Part II: Workshop

11.45 – 12.45 Theme 2: Quantum program semantics and verification

Part I: Presentation – Robin Kaarsgaard, SDU

Part II: Presentation – Boolean technology for quantum circuits – 
Jaco van de Pol

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch

13:45 – 14:30 Discussions

14.30 – 15.00 Funding landscape 
A short presentation of the funding opportunity for doing research within digitalization and quantum.

15.00 – 15.45 Presentation of “The NNF Quantum Computing Programme” (NQCP) 
Short introduction to the Novo Nordisk Center and their activities by Kim Splittorff

15.45 – 16.00 Next step


Target audience:  Researchers interested in doing research within digitalization and quantum technology.

Previous events

Digital Quantum Research Workshop


Digital quantum research

The purpose is to build a small community, identify CS problems and put together one or more research initiatives to address these issues

10:00 – 11:30 – Part 1: Inspiration from the Danish Quantum Community 

11:30 – 13:00 – Part 2: Setting the scene (working lunch)

  • 11:30 – 12:00 Talk 1: How the Danish CS community can contribute to the quantum technologies ecosystem – a proposal.
  • 12:00 – 12:30 Talk 2: Danish computer science engagements in the Nordic and European eco- systems
  • 12:30-13:00 Real world experiences with quantum technology from a CS perspective

13:00-15:30 – Part 3: Workshop 

15:30-16:00 – Part 4: Next steps 

Previous events

Quantum Computing – What are the opportunities and the way forward?

Quantum Computing – What are the opportunities and the way forward?

ATV and DIREC invite you to a joint seminar on the current opportunities and development areas in quantum computing.

The purpose of the seminar is to provide participants with:

  • An overview of the opportunities and development areas in the field, both academically and application-oriented
  • Insights into the central research areas
  • Understanding of which use cases are most relevant for quantum computing
  • Insights and discussions on what can realistically be achieved today with quantum computing.

We will offer high-quality presentations that cover different aspects of the opportunities and challenges in the field. Additionally, we will conduct workshops aimed at sharing knowledge across disciplines and fostering new relationships between skilled researchers and businesses interested in collaborating to address challenges related to quantum computing.

The seminar is relevant for both researchers in digital technologies and businesses that are either working with quantum technology, digital technologies, or have an interest in the interaction between quantum (physics) and computing (IT), as well as other organizations curious about newer digital technologies.

You will have the opportunity to meet the following speakers:

  • Morten Kjærgaard, Associate Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • Matthias Christiandl, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
  • Nicolaj Zinner, Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Kvantify
  • Bent Dalager, Partner, Nordic Head of NewTech, KPMG
  • Stig Elkjær Rasmussen, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University