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Part 1 workshop

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing

Part 2

Part 2 Opening Event

Quantum Hub Opening Event

PART 1 Workshop:  09:00-12:00

Topological Quantum Computing, Gaussian Boson Sampling
 and Measurement-based Quantum Computing


09:00 Welcome
by DIREC managing director Thomas Riisgaard Hansen

09:10 Topological Quantum Computing
by Professor and QM Centre Director Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

10:20 Coffee break

10:35 Gaussian Boson Sampling
by Assistant Professor Shan Shan

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Measurement-based Quantum Computing
PhD Student Santiago Quintero de los Rios

All are welcome

Sign up by e-mail to Thomas Riisgaard Hansen


PART 2: 13:00 – 17:00

SDU Quantum Hub Opening Event


13:00 Welcome by SDU Quantum Hub
by Director Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

13:05 Presentations of quantum research activities at:

  • NBI, Professor Klaus Mølmer

  • DTU, Professor Ulrik Lund Andersen

  • ITU, Associate Professor Michael Kastoryano
  • AU, Professor Birgit Schiøtt

  • AAU, Professor Torben Larsen

  • KU, Professor Matthias Christandl

15:25 Coffee break

15:40 Presentation of the SDU Quantum Hub
by Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

16:10 Addresses
by TEK Dean, Professor Henrik Bindslev, NAT Dean, Professor Marianne Holmer & Rector, Professor Jens Ringsmose

16:30 Reception

Registration is not needed