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An update on Quantum computers – where are we today?

Quantum technology has become a hot topic, not the least in Denmark with the recent announcement of the Government’s Quantum Strategy1.

Quantum computing is probably the potentially most disruptive of the three main quantum technologies (sensing, communications and computing). In this workshop we will illustrate the current state-of-the art of quantum computing through examples and explanations from researchers in this field.
We are still in the so-called NISQ-era (noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum) with a limited number of very fragile qubits. The technical press frequently reports about ‘breakthroughs’ and you may get the impression that the ultimate quantum computer is just around the corner. There have also been reports about interesting results obtained with so-called analog quantum simulators.
It may be difficult to look through the hype and get a clear impression of where we stand today. Some claim that it will be possible to obtain performance with NISQ-processors that will outperform state-of-the-art HPCs quite soon. Others think that it will not happen until an error corrected, gate-based quantum processor becomes available.
In this workshop we will present examples of what’s actually possible today and we will address some of the recent so-called breakthroughs. We will also explain what analog quantum simulators are, and what they may be used for.
Target audience:
The target audience for the workshop are researchers and technical staff from the members of DIREC and the Danish Quantum Community and others having a basic background knowledge on quantum computing.


09:30 – 10:00 Arrival and coffee

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome

10:05 – 10:20 Overview of performance for available quantum computers

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Ulrich Busk Hoff, Kvantify

10:20 – 10:35 Error mitigation – a way to early quantum advantage? 

IBM Quantum Ambassador, Henrik Vosegaard and
Partner Technical Specialist, Christoffer Mohr Jensen IBM

10:35 – 10:50 Quantum simulators – what is that, and what can they do?
PhD student Dylan Harley, QMATH

10:50 – 11:20 Discussion in smaller groups

  • Benchmarking quantum versus classical computing
  • Efficient mapping of quantum algorithms onto NISQ computers
  • Market aspects/venture capital
  • How do we engage more computer scientists in quantum computing?

11:20 – 11:35 Assessment of recent results from Quantinuum
Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Head of Center for Quantum Matematics, SDU

11:35 – 11:50 Optimal Mapping of Quantum Circuits to NISQ computers

Professor Jaco van de Pol and Ph.D. PostDoc Irfansha Shaik, Department of Computer Science, AU, Computer Science

11:50 – 12:10 Experience from working with NISQ-devices in the Cloud
Head of Research, Janus Wesenberg, Kvantify

12:10 – 12:30 Computer science’s role in early quantum computing
Professor, Dr. Tech. Torben Larsen, AAU

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch and networking