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AI and Education workshop


AI and Education

On Wednesday, May 15, you are invited to a full-day workshop in Copenhagen on AI and education, co-sponsored by the Pioneer Centre for AI and DIREC.

Through this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers, industry professionals, and educators to discuss challenges and progress related to AI in education, including (but not limited to) the potential and problems of generative AI. The short-term goals of the workshop are knowledge sharing and networking, while a more long-term goal could be to develop into a joint force and interest group focused on this topic.

If you sign up for the event and end up not being able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible by mail (tobo@itu.dk).

Tentative program

Below is a tentative program for the workshop:

10:00 – 10:15 Welcome + Purpose of the meeting
10:15 – 11:00 Framing speech from  Mutlu Cukurova from UCL
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:00 Speed talks from all participants
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Break-out sessions in smaller groups
14:00 – 15:00 Avenues for further collaboration and networking / Summary
15:00 – 16:00 Networking event (possibly followed by dinner for those interested)

Participation will be free with lunch and coffee breaks sponsored by the Pioneer Centre and DIREC. Dinner will be pay-your-own-way.

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Digital Tech Summit: Generative AI – Hype or Transformation?

DIGITAL Tech summit 2023

Generative AI – Hype or Transformation?

Generative AI has been making waves in recent years, captivating our imagination with its potential to transform industries and reshape our creative processes. But is it all just hype, or are we witnessing a genuine transformation?

Generative AI has found applications in fields as diverse as art, healthcare, finance, and education. To some, it represents a revolutionary leap forward, promising to unlock unprecedented levels of creativity and productivity. To others, it raises ethical concerns and the specter of job displacement. One thing is certain – Generative AI is here to stay and it demands our attention and thoughtful consideration.

At this year’s Digital Tech Summit we have invited a strong panel to discuss the potentials and limitations of generative AI.

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Digital Tech Summit: Data spaces – i fremtiden kommer vi til at dele data på en helt ny måde

DIGITAL Tech summit 2023

Data spaces – i fremtiden kommer vi til at dele data på en helt ny måde

EU tordner derudaf med ny lovgivning, store projektsummer og udbud af teknologiske komponenter. Alle initiativerne har til formål at give Europæiske virksomheder, organisationer, stater og individer en helt ny infrastruktur for datadeling.

Datadelingen skal bygge på principper omkring decentralisering af data, øget datasuverænitet, større sikkerhed og frem for alt interoperabilitet.
Visionen er, at vi om 10-15 år udelukkende deler data gennem såkaldte data spaces.
Kom og få indblik i EU’s initiativer og lovgivning, og hvad de kommer til at betyde for dig. Hør også om den bredere internationale dagsorden omkring data spaces, som i høj grad drives af virksomheder, der kan se, at der er behov for fælles spilleregler for datadeling. Der er nemlig behov for nemmere og mere rentabel datadeling, som vil kunne resultere i stærkere forsyningskæder, bedre og nemmere ESG-rapportering og udvikling af nye digitale services.

Lea Schick – Senior Research and Innovation Manager, Alexandra Instituttet

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Digital Tech Summit 2023 – AI Transforming Business



Digital Tech Summit 2023 - AI Transforming Business er Nordens største deep tech konference og messe og det årlige mødested for forskere fra landets universiteter og deres partnere fra dansk erhvervsliv.

Over 2 dage får publikum adgang til mere end 100 faglige oplæg og 70 udstillere og et unikt indblik i de dominerende og transformerende digitale teknologier, der ændrer vores industrier og skaber fremtidens vækstmotorer.

Digital Tech Summit præsenterer den nyeste forskning og de stærkeste løsninger fra erhvervslivet og industripartnere, og skaber rammerne for netværkspleje med konferencens øvrige deltagere, som er ledere, ingeniører, produktansvarlige, produktudviklere, forretningsudviklere og ikke mindst fremtidens talenter – universiteternes studerende.

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Workshop on Verifiable and Robust AI


Workshop on Verifiable and Robust AI

This interdisciplinary conference will consist of a combination of invited talks, panel discussions, working groups, contributed talks and poster presentations.

Artificial intelligence, driven to a large extent by rapid advances in deep learning technology, has produced exciting results over the last decade across various different scientific disciplines and practical applications.

This success is accompanied by an increasing need for methods that explain the decisions of machine learning models, make their performance more robust under changing conditions, and can provide firm guarantees for their behavior with regard to aspects like safety, privacy preservation, and non-discrimination.

These emerging key issues for the further advancement of AI are being studied both in the AI/ML communities, as well as by researchers from the areas traditionally concerned with the safety and verification of software systems by formal methods, such as model checking and theorem proving. However, while working towards the same goals, the interaction between these different research communities has been somewhat limited. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the AI/ML and formal methods communities for an exchange of ideas and scientific approaches for tackling the challenge of building safe, trustworthy and robust AI systems.

The workshop is supported by the Digital Research Center Denmark (DIREC). It will consist of a combination of invited talks, panel discussions, working groups, and contributed talks and poster presentations. This interdisciplinary conference will facilitate the exploration of synergies between the two fields, fostering novel collaborations and fostering the development of innovative techniques.

By uniting these scientific communities and promoting dialogue and collaboration, this workshop aims to pave the way for the development of AI systems that demonstrate remarkable performance and ensure safety, transparency, and accountability in their operation.

Selected contributions from the workshop will be published in a special issue of the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT).

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Robustness against adversarial attacks
  • Robustness under domain distribution shifts
  • Fairness of machine learning models
  • Machine learning with humans-in-the-loop
  • Explaining predictions of machine learning models
  • Neuro-symbolic integration
  • Safety guarantees for machine learning models
  • Testing and evaluation protocols for machine learning models
  • Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)
  • Integrating constraint satisfaction and machine learning
  • AI reasoning beyond prediction
  • Formal logic, domain logic, and machine learning?
  • (Non-statistical) privacy-preserving methods
  • Guarantee preservation for evolving ML models
  • Scalable formal methods for AI/ML
  • Benchmarking and evaluating the performance of AI/ML systems in safety-critical contexts
  • Case studies demonstrating successful application of formal methods and AI/ML techniques in the development of robust, verifiable AI systems


Thanks to the support from DIREC, the participation fee is reduced to DKK 1900 per person. This fee includes accommodation and full board for the duration of the workshop. Due to space and financial constraints, the number of participants is limited.

When you have registered you will receive an email within a couple of days with further information about payment etc.

Invited speakers

Peter Flach

University of Bristol

José Hernández-Orallo

Universitat Politècnica de València

Antonio Vergari

University of Edinburgh

Jan Křetínský

Technical University of Munich

Nils Jansen

Radboud University Nijmegen

Bernhard Steffen

TU Dortmund University

Moshe Vardi

Rice University


The conference is organized by
  • Boris Düdder, University of Copenhagen
  • Jaco van de Pol, Aarhus University
  • Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
  • Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen
  • Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University
Afholdte arrangementer

Workshop: An update on quantum computers – where are we today?


An update on Quantum computers – where are we today?

Quantum technology has become a hot topic, not the least in Denmark with the recent announcement of the Government’s Quantum Strategy1.

Quantum computing is probably the potentially most disruptive of the three main quantum technologies (sensing, communications and computing). In this workshop we will illustrate the current state-of-the art of quantum computing through examples and explanations from researchers in this field.
We are still in the so-called NISQ-era (noisy-intermediate-scale-quantum) with a limited number of very fragile qubits. The technical press frequently reports about ‘breakthroughs’ and you may get the impression that the ultimate quantum computer is just around the corner. There have also been reports about interesting results obtained with so-called analog quantum simulators.
It may be difficult to look through the hype and get a clear impression of where we stand today. Some claim that it will be possible to obtain performance with NISQ-processors that will outperform state-of-the-art HPCs quite soon. Others think that it will not happen until an error corrected, gate-based quantum processor becomes available.
In this workshop we will present examples of what’s actually possible today and we will address some of the recent so-called breakthroughs. We will also explain what analog quantum simulators are, and what they may be used for.
Target audience:
The target audience for the workshop are researchers and technical staff from the members of DIREC and the Danish Quantum Community and others having a basic background knowledge on quantum computing.


09:30 – 10:00 Arrival and coffee

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome

10:05 – 10:20 Overview of performance for available quantum computers

Quantum Engagement Specialist, Ulrich Busk Hoff, Kvantify

10:20 – 10:35 Error mitigation – a way to early quantum advantage? 

IBM Quantum Ambassador, Henrik Vosegaard and
Partner Technical Specialist, Christoffer Mohr Jensen IBM

10:35 – 10:50 Quantum simulators – what is that, and what can they do?
PhD student Dylan Harley, QMATH

10:50 – 11:20 Discussion in smaller groups

  • Benchmarking quantum versus classical computing
  • Efficient mapping of quantum algorithms onto NISQ computers
  • Market aspects/venture capital
  • How do we engage more computer scientists in quantum computing?

11:20 – 11:35 Assessment of recent results from Quantinuum
Professor Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Head of Center for Quantum Matematics, SDU

11:35 – 11:50 Optimal Mapping of Quantum Circuits to NISQ computers

Professor Jaco van de Pol and Ph.D. PostDoc Irfansha Shaik, Department of Computer Science, AU, Computer Science

11:50 – 12:10 Experience from working with NISQ-devices in the Cloud
Head of Research, Janus Wesenberg, Kvantify

12:10 – 12:30 Computer science’s role in early quantum computing
Professor, Dr. Tech. Torben Larsen, AAU

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch and networking

Afholdte arrangementer

Kvanteteknologi i praksis: Hvordan virksomheder anvender kvanteteknologi i dag

Quantum Event:

Quantum in practice: Current industry applications

Join us for an afternoon filled with insights and inspiration as we explore the potential of quantum computing.

Er du nysgerrig efter den nyeste forskning og virkelige anvendelser af kvanteteknologi?

Fire førende virksomheder, der arbejder med kvanteteknologi, vil dele deres arbejde og fremvise virkelige use cases til kvantecomputere og kvanteinspireret databehandling. Fra beregningsmæssige problemer til kemi og optimering vil oplæggene fremhæve, hvordan kvantecomputere omformer industrier og løser nutidens udfordringer for virksomheder og samfund.

Uanset om du er en kvanteentusiast eller bare nysgerrig efter potentialet i kvanteteknologier, vil denne begivenhed vise dig de mange måder, hvorpå kvantecomputere kan anvendes til at revolutionere både industri og samfund.


12.30-13.00 Sandwich og netværk

13.00-13.10  Velkommen

13.10-13.40  Variationelle kvantealgoritmer (VQA) til kvantekemi og kemitekniske applikationer Mark Jones, Co-Founder & CEO/CTO, Molecular Quantum Solutions

13.40-14.10  Hvordan vi finder svære beregningsmæssige problemer Janus Wesenberg, Head of Research, Kvantify

14.10-14.20  Kaffepause

14.20-14.50  Hvordan QPurpose bruger kvanteteknologi til at løse computationelle problemer på tværs af industrier Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Founder and CEO, QPurpose

14.50-15.20 Kvantesikker kryptografi Emil Hansen, CTO, Cryptomatic

15.20-15.50  Paneldebat / moderator Sofie Lindskov Hansen, Quantum Business Developer, Sparrow Quantum

15.50-15.55  Tak for i dag

15.55-16.15  Netværk og forfriskninger

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ReWork Artistic Exploratory: Research and Art Exhibition

ReWork artistic exploratory:

Research and Art Exhibition

Come and join us when we are presenting art prototypes and research exploring the future of work.

ReWork is a multidisciplinary research project exploring the future of hybrid work technologies and experiences. ReWork collaborators include academic researchers at Danish universities in partnership with artists, cultural institutions, and companies in several industries.

Join artists Stine Deja, Jakob La Cour, Line Finderup Jensen, and Lea Porsager, along with researchers from the ReWork research project, for this multidisciplinary art event, research exhibit, and reception.

About the collaborators:

Stine Deja explores the uncanny and sometimes absurd futures of our landscapes, lives, bodies, and environments, with media including sculpture, 3D animation, sound, and immersive installations.

Jakob La Cour creates extended reality experiences and performance art that draws on ancient and traditional rituals and practices in combination and contrast with cutting edge modern technologies.

Line Finderup Jensen examines past and future human experiences and the nature of reality through videos, VR, interactive 3D animated games, and paintings.

Lea Porsager engages with physics, feminism, politics, and culture through a variety of artistic practices including tangible and intangible media such as land art and sculpture, film, text, and animation.

Afholdte arrangementer

Robotfestival: Vilde Robotter løser vilde problemer


Vilde robotter løser vilde problemer

Robotter er en af de væsentlige teknologier i arbejdet med at løse vor tids store velfærdsproblemer.

Potentialerne er først for alvor ved at gå op for os nu, og udviklingen går stærkt. Netop disse aspekter sættes der fokus på, når der for allerførste gang afholdes robotfestival på Dokk1 i Aarhus.

  • Fredag 25.8 zoomes der ind på de forretnings- og velfærdsmæssige potentialer, når spændende robotvirksomheder, roboteksperter og kommuner fortæller og showcaser de mange muligheder, der allerede er på markedet idag, men de fortæller også om alle de muligheder, der ligger lige rundt om hjørnet.

  • Lørdag 26.8 sættes der fokus på de legende og lærende aspekter, når vi inviterer til robotoplevelser, robotleg og robotkreativitet for alle aldre.

Robotfestivalen er et samarbejde mellem ITK Aarhus Kommune, Aarhus City Lab, GovTech Midtjylland, Odense Robotics, Udenrigsministeriet, Aarhus Universitet, Dansk IT, Dokk1, DIREC – Digital Research Centre Denmark – og en række andre aktører inden for robotindustrien.

Afholdte arrangementer

NordiCrypt Summer 2023

NordiCrypt Summer 2023

Join the second NordiCrypt meetup at Aarhus University

NordiCrypt is a group for “IACR-style” cryptographers created by researchers from DTU, ITU and AU to promote joint networking activities for researchers in Denmark and the rest of Northern Europe. NordiCrypt is an initiative born in the larger context of DIREC.

NordiCrypt will organize one-day meetups in Denmark approximately every 3-6 months. The meetups are open to researchers from neighbouring fields, as well as neighbouring countries.

If you want to give a 20–25-minute talk about your recent work, then please also send an email to Carsten Baum with a title of your talk. 
The organizers will then put a program together.

Registration is free, although you will have to pay for the dinner yourself.