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PhD defence: Hao Miao

PhD Defence by Hao Miao

Aspects of Deep Spatio-Temporal Analytics for Time Series, Streaming, and Trajectory Data


The widespread deployment of wireless and mobile devices results in a proliferation of spatio- temporal data (e.g., time series, streaming, and trajectory data) that is essential for applications, e.g., traffic and air quality prediction, where spatio-temporal analytics plays a key role in ensuring safety, predictability, and reliability. While recent studies have demonstrated superior performance in deep spatio-temporal analytics, many approaches struggle to adapt to real-world conditions. In particular, existing methods suffer from three limitations: 1) existing deep methods typically require large-scale training data, incurring high storage and computational costs; 2) when applied to streaming data, many models suffer from catastrophic forgetting, resulting in deteriorating prediction accuracy over time; and 3) existing solutions often assume centralized data, which leads to privacy concerns and fails to exploit decentralized data processing.

This Ph.D. study aims to systematically study deep spatio-temporal analytics with emerging techniques. Specifically, we target four types of functionality: time series dataset condensation, streaming spatio-temporal prediction, federated trajectory recovery, and federated trajectory similarity learning.

First, we address the problem of time series dataset condensation. The goal is to reduce training costs by summarizing large datasets into smaller, synthetic datasets that can then be used for training instead. We introduce TimeDC, an efficient time series dataset condensation framework that uses two-fold modal matching. TimeDC encompasses a time series feature extraction module for effective feature learning, a decomposition-driven frequency matching module for achieving temporal correlation preservation, and a curriculum- based trajectory matching module for ensuring that the synthetic datasets capture key patterns in the original dataset.

Second, we investigate spatio-temporal prediction on streaming data. We propose URCL, a unified replay-based streaming framework with three key modules: data integration, spatio-temporal continuous representation learning, and spatio-temporal prediction. Specifically, a spatio-temporal mixup mechanism is introduced to alleviate catastrophic forgetting, and a simple siamese network is designed to facilitate holistic feature learning.

Third, we study the problem of federated trajectory recovery, focusing on privacy preservation and enabling decentralized training. We propose LighTR+, a horizontal federated framework, which consists of a lightweight local trajectory embedding module, an intra-domain knowledge distillation module, and a meta-knowledge enhanced local-global training scheme. LighTR+ alleviates intra- and inter-domain interferences across clients while reducing communication costs between clients and the server, thereby facilitating privacy protection and improving efficiency.

Fourth, we explore federated trajectory similarity learning for decentralized data processing. We propose the F-TSL framework based on horizontal federated learning, a server-clients architecture. The framework includes a local trajectory preprocessing and learning module for clients, a privacy-preserving clustering module, and a server-side aggregation module, where the privacy-preserving clustering module leverages differential privacy to handle data heterogeneity across clients.

See event here


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How will AI Impact the future of work?

session at digital tech summit

How will AI Impact the Future of Work?

AI is being described as a revolutionary technology that will significantly change the way we work in both the private and public sectors. There are high expectations for the productivity gains that AI is expected to bring. But how will AI impact the way we work?

Will all our digital tools be transformed into personal assistants that we can skillfully direct? What unresolved research challenges still need to be addressed before we can truly become more productive with AI? This session will also present a range of use cases to illustrate how AI is already being implemented in various industries.

  • Thomas Hildebrandt, Professor, KU
  • Nicolai Bæk Thomsen, Senior Manager, Group AI Solutions & Services, Grundfos
  • Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Director, DIREC
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Can digitalization make ESG reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?

Panel debate at Digital Tech summit

Can digitalization make ESG Reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?

Many Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reports rely heavily on self-reporting mechanisms, raising concerns about transparency, trust, and accuracy. This session delves into how digitalization, with its potential to make ESG reporting faster, less bureaucratic, and more reliable, can support the green transition and direct investments to where it makes the most significant impact.

We will examine how advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can transform ESG reporting, ensuring the data is verifiable, immutable, and transparent. 

The session will also focus on how digitalization could enable more informed investment decisions, potentially directing capital toward genuinely sustainable companies and helping to build trust in ESG metrics. 

The panel for this session will feature insights from leading academics and industry practitioners who are at the forefront of integrating digital solutions into ESG frameworks. Join us as we explore the future of data-driven ESG reporting and its potential to accelerate sustainability efforts across industries.

  • Cancan Wang – Associate Professor – IT University of Copenhagen
  • Lise Pretorius – Chief Sustainability Analysis Officer – Matter
  • Bas Spitters, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
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DIGITAL TECH SUMMIT – Bridging Academia and Industry

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Digital tech summit

Bridging Academia and Industry

Digital Tech Summit 2024 er Nordens største deep tech konference og messe og det årlige mødested for forskere fra landets universiteter og deres partnere fra dansk erhvervsliv.

Digitale teknologier forandrer vores samfund og industrier med stor hast. Derfor er det Digital Tech Summits fornemste opgave at diskutere disse, give publikum indblik i de akademiske forksningsmiljøer og deres industrielle samarbejder.

Sammen med Ingeniørens redaktion og universiteterne har vi lagt et program, der forsøger at give både indsigt og udsyn.

Men Digital Tech Summit er så meget mere end et fyldigt talerprogram. Det er også mødestedet for industri og universiteter. Det er et tilbud til studerende og virksomheder om at finde hinanden i samtale om karrieremuligheder. Her møder de danske startupmiljøer politikere og repræsentanter fra industrien.

Vi er stolte af at være repræsenteret af forskere og fagfolk tilknyttet DIREC, som vil dele deres indsigter:

Wednesday October 30

Software’s energy-efficiency – End-user devices
Sal 1

Generative AI and software development
Sal 4

Panel debate: Can digitalization make ESG reporting easier, more trustworthy, and direct investment in green technologies?
Sal 4

Drones swarms for a safe and secure society
Sal 3

Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Keynote scenen

PhD Power hour – 5 min. lightening talks
Sal 2

Machine-learning for cyber-physical systems
Sal 4

Thursday October 31

How will AI impact the future of work?
Sal 5

Data-driven robotics
Sal 4

Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Keynote scenen

Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: Are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
Keynote scenen

Secure democracy by securing digital voting booths
Sal 3

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PhD defence: Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

PhD Defence by Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

DAOs and Blockchain for Regulated Finance – Transformative decentralization


The financial services industry is experiencing a significant shift with the rise of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi), which challenges the industry’s high-cost centralized control approach. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), including permissionless blockchain and its novel organizational form, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), offer transformative potential through transparent, efficient, and decentralized financial transactions and governance structures. However, integrating these technologies into regulated financial services poses challenges due to the need to reconcile blockchain and DAOs’ decentralized nature with stringent regulatory requirements.

This dissertation, developed over a three-year PhD program, consolidates six publications into a comprehensive assessment framework for determining when DAOs and DeFi protocols are suitable for regulated financial services. It explores the effective implementation of DLT in regulated environments to reduce costs and enhance operational efficiencies. The research categorizes the publications by financial services domain, using prototyping and analysis to balance decentralization ideals with regulatory requirements. The dissertation identifies key properties of blockchain and DAOs, such as transparency, immutability, and decentralization, assessing their applicability within traditional financial systems. It offers practical tools for evaluating the suitability and compliance of DAOs in regulated financial services, mapping DAOs to organizational design theory, and highlighting their potential to reduce transaction costs and enhance trust.

Using Design Science Research (DSR) methodologies, the dissertation develops robust frameworks, applications, and taxonomies through qualitative data collection, thematic analysis, and formal methods. It provides empirical insights and tools for practitioners, including frameworks for assessing DAO governance structures and regulatory compliance. The dissertation concludes that while DAOs and DeFi protocols show promise, their application in regulated financial markets remains challenging due to regulatory complexities arising from centralized control preferences and norms.

The dissertation contributes to Information Systems (IS) research by presenting an evolution of DAOs over time and proposing an evaluation framework to assess and enhance the understanding of blockchain technology and DAOs in regulated financial services. Further, the individual publications contribute to their respective field by presenting applicable building blocks for financial services and domain-specific use cases for the DAO ecosystem.

The research provides insights and tools that deepen the understanding of DAOs’ potential and limitations in digital finance, offering a foundation for future research and practical applications. By incorporating law, economics, organizational theory, and IS perspectives, the dissertation highlights the need for new regulatory frameworks to accommodate DAOs and DLT. It suggests that while DAOs and DeFi protocols can reduce transaction costs and enhance transparency, their application in regulated finance is limited by compliance challenges and the need for complete decentralization.

The analysis suggests that ‘sufficient decentralization’ is a mirage and that complete decentralization on all three dimensions – technically, organizationally, and in service availability to the public – is the only viable option for DeFi in regulated financial markets, using the EU’s recent regulation for digital finance. While we have yet to see whether the new EU regulation and this high bar for decentralization will mean the end for DeFi and financial services DAOs in the EU, blockchain technology appears generally beneficial for finance involving untrusted parties, where intermediaries usually fulfill this role at a very high socioeconomic cost.


Principal Supervisor Omry Ross
Co-Supervisor Friedrich Henglein

Assessment Committee

Associate Professor Tijs Slaats, Computer Science
Professor Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg
Assistant Professor Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, VU Amsterdam

See event here

Henrik Bjørn Axelsen

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AI and Education workshop


AI and Education

On Wednesday, May 15, you are invited to a full-day workshop in Copenhagen on AI and education, co-sponsored by the Pioneer Centre for AI and DIREC.

Through this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers, industry professionals, and educators to discuss challenges and progress related to AI in education, including (but not limited to) the potential and problems of generative AI. The short-term goals of the workshop are knowledge sharing and networking, while a more long-term goal could be to develop into a joint force and interest group focused on this topic.

If you sign up for the event and end up not being able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible by mail (tobo@itu.dk).

Tentative program

Below is a tentative program for the workshop:

10:00 – 10:15 Welcome + Purpose of the meeting
10:15 – 11:00 Framing speech from  Mutlu Cukurova from UCL
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:00 Speed talks from all participants
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Break-out sessions in smaller groups
14:00 – 15:00 Avenues for further collaboration and networking / Summary
15:00 – 16:00 Networking event (possibly followed by dinner for those interested)

Participation will be free with lunch and coffee breaks sponsored by the Pioneer Centre and DIREC. Dinner will be pay-your-own-way.

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Digital Tech Summit: Generative AI – Hype or Transformation?

DIGITAL Tech summit 2023

Generative AI – Hype or Transformation?

Generative AI has been making waves in recent years, captivating our imagination with its potential to transform industries and reshape our creative processes. But is it all just hype, or are we witnessing a genuine transformation?

Generative AI has found applications in fields as diverse as art, healthcare, finance, and education. To some, it represents a revolutionary leap forward, promising to unlock unprecedented levels of creativity and productivity. To others, it raises ethical concerns and the specter of job displacement. One thing is certain – Generative AI is here to stay and it demands our attention and thoughtful consideration.

At this year’s Digital Tech Summit we have invited a strong panel to discuss the potentials and limitations of generative AI.

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Digital Tech Summit: Data spaces – i fremtiden kommer vi til at dele data på en helt ny måde

DIGITAL Tech summit 2023

Data spaces – i fremtiden kommer vi til at dele data på en helt ny måde

EU tordner derudaf med ny lovgivning, store projektsummer og udbud af teknologiske komponenter. Alle initiativerne har til formål at give Europæiske virksomheder, organisationer, stater og individer en helt ny infrastruktur for datadeling.

Datadelingen skal bygge på principper omkring decentralisering af data, øget datasuverænitet, større sikkerhed og frem for alt interoperabilitet.
Visionen er, at vi om 10-15 år udelukkende deler data gennem såkaldte data spaces.
Kom og få indblik i EU’s initiativer og lovgivning, og hvad de kommer til at betyde for dig. Hør også om den bredere internationale dagsorden omkring data spaces, som i høj grad drives af virksomheder, der kan se, at der er behov for fælles spilleregler for datadeling. Der er nemlig behov for nemmere og mere rentabel datadeling, som vil kunne resultere i stærkere forsyningskæder, bedre og nemmere ESG-rapportering og udvikling af nye digitale services.

Lea Schick – Senior Research and Innovation Manager, Alexandra Instituttet

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Digital Tech Summit 2023 – AI Transforming Business



Digital Tech Summit 2023 - AI Transforming Business er Nordens største deep tech konference og messe og det årlige mødested for forskere fra landets universiteter og deres partnere fra dansk erhvervsliv.

Over 2 dage får publikum adgang til mere end 100 faglige oplæg og 70 udstillere og et unikt indblik i de dominerende og transformerende digitale teknologier, der ændrer vores industrier og skaber fremtidens vækstmotorer.

Digital Tech Summit præsenterer den nyeste forskning og de stærkeste løsninger fra erhvervslivet og industripartnere, og skaber rammerne for netværkspleje med konferencens øvrige deltagere, som er ledere, ingeniører, produktansvarlige, produktudviklere, forretningsudviklere og ikke mindst fremtidens talenter – universiteternes studerende.

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Workshop on Verifiable and Robust AI


Workshop on Verifiable and Robust AI

This interdisciplinary conference will consist of a combination of invited talks, panel discussions, working groups, contributed talks and poster presentations.

Artificial intelligence, driven to a large extent by rapid advances in deep learning technology, has produced exciting results over the last decade across various different scientific disciplines and practical applications.

This success is accompanied by an increasing need for methods that explain the decisions of machine learning models, make their performance more robust under changing conditions, and can provide firm guarantees for their behavior with regard to aspects like safety, privacy preservation, and non-discrimination.

These emerging key issues for the further advancement of AI are being studied both in the AI/ML communities, as well as by researchers from the areas traditionally concerned with the safety and verification of software systems by formal methods, such as model checking and theorem proving. However, while working towards the same goals, the interaction between these different research communities has been somewhat limited. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from the AI/ML and formal methods communities for an exchange of ideas and scientific approaches for tackling the challenge of building safe, trustworthy and robust AI systems.

The workshop is supported by the Digital Research Center Denmark (DIREC). It will consist of a combination of invited talks, panel discussions, working groups, and contributed talks and poster presentations. This interdisciplinary conference will facilitate the exploration of synergies between the two fields, fostering novel collaborations and fostering the development of innovative techniques.

By uniting these scientific communities and promoting dialogue and collaboration, this workshop aims to pave the way for the development of AI systems that demonstrate remarkable performance and ensure safety, transparency, and accountability in their operation.

Selected contributions from the workshop will be published in a special issue of the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT).

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Robustness against adversarial attacks
  • Robustness under domain distribution shifts
  • Fairness of machine learning models
  • Machine learning with humans-in-the-loop
  • Explaining predictions of machine learning models
  • Neuro-symbolic integration
  • Safety guarantees for machine learning models
  • Testing and evaluation protocols for machine learning models
  • Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)
  • Integrating constraint satisfaction and machine learning
  • AI reasoning beyond prediction
  • Formal logic, domain logic, and machine learning?
  • (Non-statistical) privacy-preserving methods
  • Guarantee preservation for evolving ML models
  • Scalable formal methods for AI/ML
  • Benchmarking and evaluating the performance of AI/ML systems in safety-critical contexts
  • Case studies demonstrating successful application of formal methods and AI/ML techniques in the development of robust, verifiable AI systems


Thanks to the support from DIREC, the participation fee is reduced to DKK 1900 per person. This fee includes accommodation and full board for the duration of the workshop. Due to space and financial constraints, the number of participants is limited.

When you have registered you will receive an email within a couple of days with further information about payment etc.

Invited speakers

Peter Flach

University of Bristol

José Hernández-Orallo

Universitat Politècnica de València

Antonio Vergari

University of Edinburgh

Jan Křetínský

Technical University of Munich

Nils Jansen

Radboud University Nijmegen

Bernhard Steffen

TU Dortmund University

Moshe Vardi

Rice University


The conference is organized by
  • Boris Düdder, University of Copenhagen
  • Jaco van de Pol, Aarhus University
  • Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
  • Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen
  • Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University