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Business Transformation and Organisational AI-based Decision Making


Business Transformation and Organisational AI-based Decision Making


I dag er forretningsprocesser i private virksomheder og offentlige organisationer bredt understøttet af Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process Management og Electronic Case Management systemer, der tages i brug med det formål at forbedre effektiviteten af forretningsprocesserne. 
Resultat er dog ofte et stadig mere omfattende informationssystemlandskab, hvilket fører til ineffektivitet, begrænset forståelse af forretningsprocesser, manglende evne til at forudsige og finde årsagen til tab, fejl og svindel og manglende evne til at tilpasse forretningsprocesserne. Denne mangel på forståelse, smidighed og kontrol over forretningsprocesser lægger en stor byrde på virksomhederne og organisationerne. 
Projektet har sammen med industrielle partnere til formål at udvikle metoder og værktøjer, der sætter industrien i stand til at udvikle nye effektive løsninger til at udnytte den enorme mængde forretningsdata, der genereres af disse systemer. 

Projektperiode: 2021-2025
Budget: 16,8 millioner kr

Enterprise systems generate a plethora of highly granular data recording their operation. Machine learning has a great potential to aid in the analysis of this data in order to predict errors, detect fraud and improve their efficiency. Knowledge of business processes can also be used to support the needed transformation of old and heterogeneous it landscapes to new platforms. Application areas include Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) supervision of business processes in the financial sector, supply chain management in agriculture and foodstuff supply, and compliance and optimisation of workflow processes in the public sector.

The research aim of the project to develop methods and tools that enable industry to develop new efficient solutions for exploiting the huge amount of business data generated by enterprise systems, with specific focus on tools and responsible methods for the use of process insights for business intelligence and transformation. Through field studies in organizations that are using AI, BPM and process mining techniques it will be investigated how organizations implement, use and create value (both operational and strategic) through AI, BPM and process mining techniques. In particular, the project will focus on how organizational decision-making changes with the implementation of AI-based algorithms in terms of decision making skills (intuitive + analytical) of the decision makers, their roles and responsibilities, their decision rights and authority and the decision context.

Scientific value

The scientific value of the project is new methods and user interfaces for decision support and business transformation and associated knowledge of their performance and properties in case studies. These are important contributions to provide excellent knowledge to Danish companies and education programs within AI for business innovation and processes.

Capacity building

For capacity building the value of the project is to educate 1 industrial PhD in close collaboration between CBS, DIKU and the industrial partner DCR Solutions. The project will also provide on-line course material that can be used in existing and new courses for industry, MSc and PhD.

Business and societal value

For the business and societal value, the project has very broad applicability, targeting improvements in terms of effectiveness and control of process aware information systems across the private and public sector. Concretely, the project considers cases of customers of the participating industry partners within the financial sector, the public sector and within energy and building management. All sectors that have vital societal role. The industry partner will create business value of estimated 10-20MDkr increased turnaround and 2-3 new employees in 5-7 years through the generation of IP by the industrial researcher and the development of state- of-the-art proprietary process analysis and decision support tools.


Projektet vil udvikle metoder og værktøjer, der sætter erhvervslivet i stand til at udvikle nye effektive løsninger til at udnytte den enorme mængde forretningsdata, der genereres af virksomhedssystemer.


Project Manager

Arisa Shollo

Associate Professor

Copenhagen Business School
Department of Digitalization

E: ash.digi@cbs.dk

Thomas Hildebrandt


University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Raghava Mukkamala

Associate Professor

Copenhagen Business School
Department of Digitalization

Morten Marquard

Founder & CEO

DCR Solutions

Søren Debois


DCR Solutions

Panagiotis Keramidis

PhD Student

Copenhagen Business School
Department of Digitalization



AI and Blockchains for Complex Business Processes


AI and Blockchains for Complex Business Processes


I dag er forretningsprocesser i private virksomheder og offentlige organisationer bredt understøttet af Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process Management og Electronic Case Management systemer, der tages i brug med det formål at forbedre effektiviteten af forretningsprocesserne. 
Resultat er dog ofte et stadig mere omfattende informationssystemlandskab, hvilket fører til ineffektivitet, begrænset forståelse af forretningsprocesser, manglende evne til at forudsige og finde årsagen til tab, fejl og svindel og manglende evne til at tilpasse forretningsprocesserne. Denne mangel på forståelse, smidighed og kontrol over forretningsprocesser lægger en stor byrde på virksomhederne og organisationerne. 
Projektet har sammen med industrielle partnere til formål at udvikle metoder og værktøjer, der sætter industrien i stand til at udvikle nye effektive løsninger til at udnytte den enorme mængde forretningsdata, der genereres af disse systemer. 

Projektperiode: 2021-2025

Enterprise and block chain systems generate a plethora of highly granular data recording their operation. Machine learning has a great potential to aid in the analysis of this data in order to predict errors, detect fraud and improve their efficiency. Knowledge of business processes can also be used to support the needed transformation of old and heterogeneous it landscapes to new platforms. Application areas include Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) supervision of business processes in the financial sector, supply chain management in agriculture and foodstuff supply, and compliance and optimisation of workflow processes in the public sector.

The research aim of the AI and Blockchain for Complex Business Processes project is methods and tools that enable industry to develop new efficient solutions for exploiting the huge amount of business data generated by enterprise and blockchain systems, from techniques for automatic identification of business events, via the development of new rule based process mining technologies to tools for the use of process insights for business intelligence and transformation.

The project will do this through a unique bridge between industry and academia, involving two innovative, complementary industrial partners and researchers across disciplines of AI, software engineering and business intelligence from three DIREC partner universities. Open source release (under the LGPL 3.0 license) of the rule-based mining algorithms developed by the PhD assigned task 2 will ensure future enhancement and development by the research community, while simultaneously providing businesses the opportunity to include them in proprietary software.


Projektet vil udvikle metoder og værktøjer, der gør industrien i stand til at udvikle nye effektive løsninger til at udnytte den enorme mængde forretningsdata, der genereres af virksomhedssystemer.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Tijs Slaats

Associate Professor

University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

E: hilde@di.ku.dk

Jakob Grue Simonsen


University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Thomas Hildebrandt


University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Hugo López

Associate Professor

Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

Henrik Axelsen

PHD Fellow

University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Christoffer Olling Back


University of Copenhagen

Anders Mygind



Søren Debois

Associate Professor

IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Omri Ross

Chief Blockchain Scientist


Axel Fjelrad Christfort

PhD Fellow

University of Copenhagen
Dept. of Computer Science



Mobility Analytics using Sparse Mobility Data and Open Spatial Data


Mobility Analytics using Sparse Mobility Data and Open Spatial Data


Både samfund og industri har en væsentlig interesse i velfungerende udendørs og indendørs mobilitetsinfrastrukturer, der er effektive, forudsigelige, miljøvenlige og sikre. For udendørs mobilitet står reduktion af trængsel højt på den politiske dagsorden, ligesom reduktion af CO2-udledning, da transportsektoren er den næststørste målt på udledning af drivhusgas.

Mængden af mobilitetsrelateret data er steget massivt, hvilket muliggør en stadig bredere vifte af analyser. Når de kombineres med digitale repræsentationer af vejnet og bygningsinteriør, rummer disse data potentialet for at muliggøre en mere finkornet forståelse af mobilitet og for at muliggøre mere effektiv, forudsigelig og miljøvenlig mobilitet.

Projektperiode: 2021-2024
Budget: 9,41 millioner kr.

The mobility of people and things is an important societal process that facilitates and affects the lives of most people. Thus, society, including industry, has a substantial interest in well-functioning outdoor and indoor mobility infrastructures that are efficient, predictable, environmentally friendly, and safe. For outdoor mobility, reduction of congestion is high on the political agenda – it is estimated that congestion costs Denmark 30 billion DKK per year. Similarly, the reduction of CO2 emissions from transportation is on the political agenda, as the transportation sector is the second largest in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Danish municipalities are interested in understanding the potentials for integrating various types of e-bikes in transportation planning. Increased use of such bicycles may contribute substantially to the greening of transportation and may also ease congestion and thus improve travel times. For indoor mobility, corridors and elevators represent bottlenecks for mobility in large building complexes (e.g. hospitals, factories and university campuses). With the addition of mobile robots, humans and robots will also be fighting to use the same space when moving indoors. Heavy use of corridors is also a source of noise that negatively impacts building occupants.

The ongoing, sweeping digitalisation has also reached outdoor and indoor mobility. Thus, increasingly massive volumes of mobility-related data, e.g. from sensors embedded in the road and building infrastructures, networked positioning (e.g. GPS or UWB) devices (e.g. smartphones and in-vehicle navigation devices) or indoor mobile robots, are becoming available. This enables an increasingly wide range of analyses related to mobility. When combined with digital representations of road networks and building interiors, this data holds the potential for enabling a more fine-grained understanding of mobility and for enabling more efficient, predictable, and environmentally friendly mobility. Long movement times equate with congestion and bad overall experiences.

The above data foundation offers a basis for understanding how well a road network or building performs across different days and across the duration of a day, and it offers the potential for decreased movement times by means of improved mobility flows and routing. However, there is an unmet need for low-cost tools that can be used by municipalities and building providers (e.g. mobile robot manufactures) that are capable of enabling a wide range of analytics on top of mobility data.

  1. Build extract-transform-load (ETL) prototypes that are able to ingest high and low frequency spatial data (e.g. GPS and indoor positioning data). These prototypes must enable map-matching of spatial data to open road network and building representations and must enable privacy protection.
  2. Design effective data warehouse schemas that can be populated with ingested spatial data.
  3. Build mobility analytics warehouse systems that are able to support a broad range of analyses in interactive time.
  4. Build software systems that enable users to formulate analyses and visualise results in maps-based interfaces for both indoor and outdoor use. This includes infrastructure for the mapping of user input into database queries and the maps-based display of results returned by the data warehouse system.
  5. Develop a range of advanced analyses that address user needs. Possible analyses include congestion maps, isochrones, aggregate travel-path analyses, origin-destination travel time matrices, and what-if analyses where the effects of reconstruction are estimated (e.g. adding an additional lane to a stretch of road or changing corridors). For outdoors settings, CO2-emissions analyses based on vehicular environmental impact models and GPS data are also considered.
  6. Develop transfer learning techniques that make it possible to leverage spatial data from dense spatio-temporal “regions” for enabling analyses in sparse spatio-temporal regions.

Value creation
The envisioned prototype software infrastructure characterised above aims to be able to replace commercial road network maps with the crowd sourced OpenStreetMap (OSM) map and for indoors enable new data sources about the indoor geography. The open data might not be curated, which means that new quality control tools are required to ensure that computed travel times are correct. This will reduce cost.

Next, the project will provide means of leveraging available spatial data as efficiently and effectively as possible. In particular, while more and more data becomes available, the available data will remain sparse in relation to important analyses. This is due to the cost of data that can be purchased and due to the lack of desired data. Thus, it is important to be able to exploit available data as well as possible. We will examine how to transfer data from locations and times with ample data to locations and times with insufficient data. For example, we will study transfer learning techniques for this purpose; and as part of this, we will study feature learning. This will reduce cost and will enable new analyses that where not possible previously due to a lack of data.

Rambøll will be able to in-source the software infrastructure and host analytics for municipalities. Mobile Industrial Robotics (MiR) will be able to in-source the software infrastructure and host analytics for building owners. Additional value will be created because the above studies will be conducted for multiple transportation modes, with a focus on cars and different kinds of e-bikes. We have access to a unique data foundation that will enable these studies.


Projektet vil levere en prototype af softwareinfrastruktur, der sigter mod at kunne erstatte kommercielle vejnetkort med det crowdsourcede OpenStreetMap (OSM) og muliggøre nye datakilder om indendørs geografi.

De åbne data er muligvis ikke kuraterede, hvilket betyder, at der kræves nye kvalitetskontrolværktøjer for at sikre, at beregnede rejsetider er korrekte. Dette vil reducere omkostningerne.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Christian S. Jensen


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

E: csj@cs.aau.dk

Ira Assent


Aarhus University
Department of Computer Science

Kristian Torp


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Bin Yang


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Mads Darø Kristensen

Principal Application Architect

The Alexandra Institute

Søren Krogh Sørensen

Senior Software Engineer

The Alexandra Institute

Frederik Palludan Madsen

Software Engineer

The Alexandra Institute

Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard


University of Southern Denmark
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

Norbert Krüger


University of Southern Denmark
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

Leon Bodenhagen

Associate Professor

University of Southern Denmark The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

Brian Rosenkilde Jeppesen

Project Manager Roads and Traffic


Stig Grønning Søbjærg



Mads Graungaard

Mobility and Traffic Engineer


Johan Poulsgaard



Christoffer Bø

Traffic and Mobility Planner


Morten Steen Nørby

Software Manager

Mobile Industrial Robots

Kasper Fromm Pedersen

Research Assistant

Aalborg University
Dept. of Computer Science

Helene Hauschultz

PhD Student

Aarhus University
Department of Mathematical Science

Avgi Kollakidou

PHD student

University of Southern Denmark
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

Hao Miao


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science



Deep Learning and Automation of Image-Based Quality of Seeds and Grains


Deep Learning and Automation of Image-based Quality of Seeds and Grains


I dag er manuel visuel inspektion af korn stadig en af de vigtigste kvalitetssikringsprocedurer i værdikæden for at bringe korn fra marken til bordet.

Sammen med virksomheden FOSS har dette projekt til formål at udvikle og validere en metode til automatiserede billedbaserede løsninger, der kan erstatte subjektiv manuel inspektion og forbedre ydeevne, robusthed og konsistens af inspektionen. Metoden har potentiale til at give kornindustrien et nyt disruptivt værktøj til at sikre kvalitet og optimere værdien af landbrugsråvarer.

Projektperiode: 2020-2024
Budget: 3,91 millioner kr.

To derive maximum value from the data there is a need to develop methods of training data algorithms to automatically be able to provide industry with the best possible feedback on the quality of incoming materials. The purpose is to develop a framework which replaces the current feature-based models with deep learning methods. By using these methods, the potential is significantly to reduce the labor needed to expand the application of EyeFoss™ into new applications; e.g. maize, coffee, while at the same time increase the performance of the algorithms in accurately and reliably describing the quality of cereals.

This project aims at developing and validating, with industrial partners, a method of using deep learning neural networks to monitor quality of seeds and grains using multispectral image data. The method has the potential of providing the grain industry with a disruptive new tool for ensuring quality and optimising the value of agricultural commodities. The ambition of the project is to end up with an operationally implemented deep learning framework for deploying EyeFoss™ to new applications in the industry. In order to the achieve this, the project will team up with DTU Compute as a strong competence centre on deep learning as well as a major player within the European grain industry (to be selected).

The research aim of the project is the development of AI methods and tools that enable industry to develop new solutions for automated image-based quality assessment. End-to-end learning of features and representations for object classification by deep neural networks can lead to significant performance improvements. Several recent mechanisms have been developed for further improving performance and reducing the need for manual annotation work (labelling) including semi-supervised learning strategies and data augmentation.

Semi-supervised learning  combines generative models that are trained without labels (unsupervised learning), application of pre-trained networks (transfer learning) with supervised learning on small sets of labelled data. Data augmentation employs both knowledge based transformations, such as translations and rotations and more general learned transformations like parameterised “warps” to increase variability in the training data and increase robustness to natural variation.

Scientific value
The scientific value of the project will be new methods and open source tools and associated knowledge of their performance and properties in an industrial setup.

Capacity building
The aim of the project is to educate one PhD student in close collaboration with FOSS – the aim is that the student will be present at FOSS at least 40% of the time to secure a close integration and knowledge exchange with the development team at FOSS working on introducing EyeFossTM to the market. Specific focus will be on exchange at the faculty level as well; the aim is to have faculty from DTU Compute present at FOSS and vice-versa for senior FOSS specialists that supervise the PhD student. This will secure better networking, anchoring and capacity building also at the senior level. The PhD project will additionally be supported by a master-level program already established between the universities and FOSS.

Societal impact
Specifically, the project aims to provide FOSS with new tools to assist in scaling the market potential of the EyeFossTM from its current potential of 20m EUR/year. Adding, in a cost-efficient way, applications for visual inspection of products like maize, rice or coffee has the potential to at least double the market potential. In addition, the contributions will be of generic relevance to companies developing image-based solutions for food quality/integrity assessment and will provide excellent application and AI integration knowledge of commercial solutions already on-the-market to other Danish companies.


Projektet har potentiale til at give kornindustrien et nyt disruptivt værktøj til at sikre kvalitet og optimere værdien af landbrugsråvarer.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Lars Kai Hansen


Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

E: lkai@dtu.dk

Kim Steenstrup Pedersen


University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Lenka Hýlová

PHD Fellow

Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

Thomas Nikolajsen

Head of Front-end Innovation


Toke Lund-Hansen

Head of Spectroscopy team


Erik Schou Dreier

Senior Scientist




Edge-based AI Systems for Predictive Maintenance

DIREC- projekt

Edge-based AI systems for predictive maintenance


Nedetid på udstyr er dyrt og en kilde til sikkerhedsmæssige og juridiske udfordringer. I dag anvender organisationer en konservativ plan for forebyggende vedligehold, som er uafhængig af udstyrets tilstand. Dette resulterer i unødvendige omkostninger til service og lejlighedsvise afbrydelser af produktionen på grund af uventede fejl.

Derfor er det afgørende inden for mange områder at gå fra almindelig vedligehold til forebyggende vedligehold. Rapporten ‘An AI Nation: Harnessing the Opportunity of Artificial Intelligence in Denmark’ anslår, at man ved anvendelse af forebyggende vedligehold vha. kunstig intellignes potentielt kan betyde en besparelse i den private sektor i Danmark på 14-19 milliarder.

I samarbejde med virksomhedspartnere sigter dette projekt mod at nå frem til, hvordan AI og datadrevne metoder kan løse problemet, så virksomheder får mindst muligt spildtid, når deres produktion står stille.

Projektperiode: 2020-2024
Budget: 12,24 millioner kr

The research aim of the project is methods and tools that enable industry to develop new solutions with accurate AI-based maintenance predictions on edge-based software platforms.

The resulting applications must be deployed to collect and process large amounts of data locally. This data feeds high accuracy predictive models deployed at the edge, adapted to changing local conditions, and maintained with minimum intervention from operators.

These models should cover abstractions allowing the understanding of relevant dependencies in the data. The key research problem is to devise architectures and solutions that scale to the entire fleets of equipment with accurate AI predictions.

This also requires that resources in terms of processing power, storage and communication, are optimised in order to obtain low-power and real-time performance, leading to a resource efficiency vs prediction accuracy trade-off. The project will establish a bridge to enable Danish companies to develop and use AI-based predictive maintenance within several domains.

Scientific value

The scientific value of the project is new methods and tools and associated knowledge of their performance and properties in field tests. These are important contributions to provide excellent knowledge to Danish companies and education programs within AI and IoT.

Capacity building

For capacity building the value of the project is to educate 3 PhD students (including 1 Industrial PhD) and 1 Post Doc in close collaboration with industry. The open source availability of general project outcomes and industry collaboration enable several exploitation paths. In addition, for the master-level the projects will offer an industry program to 15 students at 3 universities.

Business and societal value

The business and societal value is on a national level estimated to a 14-19 billion potential for the Danish private sector. In the project we target both the medical, robotic, industrial and energy sectors. These are Danish frontrunners in adopting the technology and creating inspiration for wider adoption by the Danish private sector. For the public sector enabling equipment with higher operation efficiency will positively impact the efficiency of the sector.


Det anslås at man ved at gøre brug af predictive maintenance vha. kunstig intelligens kan opnå en potentiel besparelse på 14-19 millarder i den private sektor i Danmark.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard


University of Southern Denmark
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute

E: mbkj@mmmi.sdu.dk

Philippe Bonnet


IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Xenofon Fafoutis


Technical University of Denmark
Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Jan Madsen


Technical University of Denmark
DTU Compute

Rasmus Larsen

AI Specialist

The Alexandra Institute

Alexandre Alapetite

Software Solutions Architect

The Alexandra Institute

Felix Blaga



Kasper Hjort Bertelsen

PhD student

IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Emil Stubbe Kolvig-Raun

PhD student

Universal Robots

Ahmad Rzgar Hamid

PhD Student

University of Southern Denmark
The Maersk-McKinney Moller Institute

Emil Njor

PhD student

Technical University of Denmark

Morten Boris Højgaard

Head of Incubation and Partnerships

Universal Robots

Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya

Assistant Professor

University of Southern Denmark

Mads P. Hougesen

Project Manager

Novo Nordisk



Verifiable and Safe AI for Autonomous Systems


Verifiable and safe ai for autonomous systems


Den hastigt voksende anvendelse af maskinlæringsteknikker i cyberfysiske systemer fører til bedre løsninger og produkter med hensyn til tilpasningsevne, ydeevne, effektivitet, funktionalitet og brugervenlighed.
Cyberfysiske systemer er dog ofte sikkerhedskritiske, fx selvkørende biler eller medicinsk udstyr, og behovet for verifikation mod potentielt dødsulykker er af afgørende betydning.

Sammen med virksomhedsdeltagerne har dette projekt til formål at udvikle metoder og værktøjer, der vil sætte industrien i stand til automatisk at sammensætte konstruktionsmæssigt korrekte og næsten optimale controllere til sikkerhedskritiske systemer inden for en række forskellige domæner.

AI technologies may present new safety risks for users when they are embedded in products and services. For example, as result of a flaw in the object recognition technology, an autonomous car can wrongly identify an object on the road and cause an accident involving injuries and material damage. This in turn makes it difficult to place liability in case of malfunctioning:
Under the Product Liability Directive, a manufacturer is liable for damage caused by a defective product. However, in the case of an AI based system such as autonomous cars, it may be difficult to prove that there is a defect in the product, the damage that has occurred and the causal link between the two.

What is needed are new methods, where machine learning is integrated with model-based techniques such that machine-learned solutions, typically optimising expected performance, are ensured to not violate crucial safety constraints, and can be certified not to do so. Relevant domains include all types of autonomous systems, where machine learning is applied to control safety critical systems.

The research aim of the project is to develop methods and tools that will enable industry to automatically synthesise correct-by-construction and near-optimal controllers for safety critical 45 systems within a variety of domains. The project will involve a number of scientific challenges including representation of strategies – neural networks (for compactness), decision trees (for explainability). Also, development of strategy learning methods with statistical guarantees is crucial.

A key challenge is understanding and specifying what safety and risk means for model-free controllers based on neural networks. Once formal specifications are created, we aim at combining the existing knowledge about property-based testing, Bayesian probabilistic programming, and model checking.

Value creation
The scientific value of the project are new fundamental theories, algorithmic methods and tools together with evaluation of their performance and adequacy in industrial settings. These are important contributions bridging between the core research themes on AI and Verification in DIREC.

For capacity building the value of the project is to educate PhD students and Post Docs in close collaboration with industry. The profile of these PhD students will meet a demand in the companies for staff with competences on both machine learning, data science and traditional software engineering. In addition, the project will offer a number of affiliated students projects at master-level.

For the growing number of companies relying of using AI in their products the ability to produce safety certification using approved processes and tools will be vital in order to bring safety critical applications to the market. At the societal level trustworthiness of AI-based systems is of prime concern within EU. Here methods and tools for providing safety guarantees can play a crucial role.


For det stigende antal virksomheder, der er afhængige af at bruge AI i deres produkter, vil evnen til at producere sikkerhedscertificering ved hjælp af godkendte processer og værktøjer være afgørende for at bringe sikkerhedskritiske applikationer på markedet.

På samfundsniveau er troværdigheden af AI-baserede systemer af største betydning i EU. Her kan metoder og værktøjer til at stille sikkerhedsgarantier spille en afgørende rolle.

Nyheder / omtale


Project Manager

Kim Guldstrand Larsen


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

E: kgl@cs.aau.dk

Thomas Dyhre Nielsen


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Andrzej Wasowski


IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Martijn Goorden


Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Esther Hahyeon Kim

PhD Student

Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Mohsen Ghaffari

PhD Student

IT University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science

Martin Zimmermann

Associate Professor

Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Christian Schilling

Assistant Professor

Aalborg University
Department of Computer Science

Thomas Asger Hansen

Head of Analytics and AI


Daniel Lux



Karsten Lumbye

Chief Innovation Officer

Aarhus Vand

Kristoffer Tønder Nielsen

Project Manager

Aarhus Vand

Malte Skovby Ahm

Research and business lead

Aarhus Vand

Mathias Schandorff Arberg


Aarhus Vand

Gitte Rosenkranz

Project Manager


Susanne Skov-Mikkelsen

Chief Consultant


Lone Bo Jørgensen

Senior Specialist

